An EXTREME test of 'thriftiness'


Active Member
Personally I think you should do a scientific study on how you can inexpensively go to a NASCAR race in a 500 mile radius of your house. You know, see if you can get a deal on tickets on line. See if you can bring in food and drink to the race. What is the cheapest place to buy souviners at the race.
All of those important topics that have been plaguing mankind for the last 50 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Personally I think you should do a scientific study on how you can inexpensively go to a NASCAR race in a 500 mile radius of your house. You know, see if you can get a deal on tickets on line. See if you can bring in food and drink to the race. What is the cheapest place to buy souviners at the race.
All of those important topics that have been plaguing mankind for the last 50 years.

Well, we both know who to go to for the "deal on tickets". But I don't know, my son is still waiting on his RedBull racing hat that she promised (it must have got lost in the mail


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
No, I was thinking the same thing you were, but I was keeping my mouth shut.....just in case they want to come back later during this experiment and offer me a $1million deal, like Jared

See, Jared was promoting sales - Your venture is the opposite. Don't hold your breath for the MILLION....


Active Member
Well, experiment is still on. Razor is still holding up, but I must admit that it has deteriorated (mechanically) over the past month. The head keeps popping off (part with the blades). It snaps back in, but I'm concerned that it might not be able to keep going thru this routine. Every time I snap it back in, I expect the little plastic tabs to break off.
As far as razor sharpness, I will admit that it's not the "sharpest tool in the shed" (pun intended), but it's not hacking me up or anything, as some of you predicted.
Only 3 months to go, so I am somewhat optimistic that I might be able to complete this experiment successfully.


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting for blood... MUHAHAHA!!!
Maybe use a little dab of superglue gel to keep the tabs in place for the rest of your experiment?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I'm still waiting for blood... MUHAHAHA!!!
Maybe use a little dab of superglue gel to keep the tabs in place for the rest of your experiment?
That's a thought, thanks. But the head is swivel, so that would put an end to the swivel, but no big would just become a fixed razor.
Either way, good idea. If one of the plastic tabs do give way before the end of the experiment, this is exactly what I will do. I'm too close to giving up now...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by T316
That's a thought, thanks. But the head is swivel, so that would put an end to the swivel, but no big would just become a fixed razor.
Either way, good idea. If one of the plastic tabs do give way before the end of the experiment, this is exactly what I will do. I'm too close to giving up now...

Thanks :D
You should post a picture of what the razor looks like. lol.


Active Member
Well folks, we are headed into the home stretch here with this one. In fact, it's close enough to go ahead and call a success...
With only a couple of weeks left to go, I'd ride it out if something were to happen to the razor at this point.
Contemplating an Extreme test of thriftiness PART 2...


Active Member
Your a stronger man than me or at least more baby faced than me, I tried the same technique and finally gave up and grew a beard after three razor heads in about 7 months. I do have to point out it definetly made a difference they stayed sharp much longer than normal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by natclanwy
Your a stronger man than me or at least more baby faced than me, I tried the same technique and finally gave up and grew a beard after three razor heads in about 7 months. I do have to point out it definetly made a difference they stayed sharp much longer than normal.
Are you talking about the "drying the blades" part? If so, yes it works. There is no other way to explain how a cheap disposable razor can last 12 months. Mine is on it's last leg, and I have no intentions of continuing this game (for a whole year at the time), but challenge met baby....


Active Member
And lets see, the NAYSAYERS were:
....just to name a few. And that was just from Page 1


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Challenge is officially over....Declared a SUCCESS

Razor hit the trash can today.
Woo Hoo! Your new razor tomorrow is going to feel SO good!
Round 2 suggestions: Are bologna slices too thick? Can you slice them in half and still enjoy a good sandwich? Can you buy an exercise bike with a generator to power your computer while you are on the internet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Are you talking about the "drying the blades" part? If so, yes it works. There is no other way to explain how a cheap disposable razor can last 12 months. Mine is on it's last leg, and I have no intentions of continuing this game (for a whole year at the time), but challenge met baby....

Yep thats what I was talking about, I was using a "Fusion" but I definetly noticed the blade lasted much longer than it did without drying.