And the Winner is.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
eloquent I know..... I still cant believe it. breathe. breathe. breathe.
Congrads reefkprZ


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Congrads reefkprZ

thanks Rykna (for some reason I always type your user name rykana then edit it to rykna. why do I type the extra a?) *S*


Active Member
thanks sepulatian!
I'm hoping they will let me buy LR. I may go with a small box (20-25lb) and get a coral or two. but if i am able I'll probably just get LR. I love new live rock, its almost better than new coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I love new live rock, its almost better than new coral.
Yeah, you never know what new goodies might be hiding on it. Weren't you the lucky fella that got the hitch hiker clam?


Active Member
yup I got a hitchiker gigas, and a mandarin goby (though I think it was more due to poor attention to what was in their tanks at the store rather than spectacular rock) but its true you never know what you may find. especially on uncured rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
yup I got a hitchiker gigas, and a mandarin goby (though I think it was more due to poor attention to what was in their tanks at the store rather than spectacular rock) but its true you never know what you may find. especially on uncured rock.
DUDE! How in the world did you get a mandarin goby???!!! That's awesome!


Active Member
it was a random drawing out of all the winners, everyone who won during the contest got entered in for the final drawing. one entry per person no matter how manytimes they won.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
oh yaaaaaay ! congrats! sorry i'm a little slow on the pick up but yaaaaayyyy!

thanks jenny!


Active Member
i havent gotten LR from them but I have heard good things about the quality of the rock, and I need rock so this is win win for me.I have a tank almost ready for the rock and a bunch of water premixed, I'm going to yank my aqua c remora off my DT to go on the cure tank. with the weather being what it is around here, LR will best be able to handle the extremes I didnt really want to risk anything else. I know has a replacement policy for DOA but I know the pony express up here in maine (there is actually a ups driver that rides around on a bicycle pulling a cart even in the winter) I see him in my neighbor hood all the time wich is why I use fed ex unless someone requests UPS. could you imagine live coral or fish toting around in the back of an open cart on a 10degree day for 5 hours with a wind chill -3 no matter how well packed I just dont trust it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
but I know the pony express up here in maine (there is actually a ups driver that rides around on a bicycle pulling a cart even in the winter) I see him in my neighbor hood all the time wich is why I use fed ex unless someone requests UPS. could you imagine live coral or fish toting around in the back of an open cart on a 10degree day for 5 hours with a wind chill -3 no matter how well packed I just dont trust it.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
i havent gotten LR from them but I have heard good things about the quality of the rock, and I need rock so this is win win for me.I have a tank almost ready for the rock and a bunch of water premixed, I'm going to yank my aqua c remora off my DT to go on the cure tank. with the weather being what it is around here, LR will best be able to handle the extremes I didnt really want to risk anything else. I know has a replacement policy for DOA but I know the pony express up here in maine (there is actually a ups driver that rides around on a bicycle pulling a cart even in the winter) I see him in my neighbor hood all the time wich is why I use fed ex unless someone requests UPS. could you imagine live coral or fish toting around in the back of an open cart on a 10degree day for 5 hours with a wind chill -3 no matter how well packed I just dont trust it.
LOL sorry for the late reply. I am glad that you can get what you want! You have a "pony" express?? LOL no such luxuries here in NY! I hope you get some awsome hitchikers! Let us know


Active Member
thanks sepulatian! I'm excited. I hope there are no p[roblems with the snow were are going today and tommorrow. we are excpecting another 2-8 inches between today and tommorrow.