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Welcome to SWF...Sorry to see your anemone does not look too good.
Can you post all the info on your tank...like size, age, lights, filtrations, water parameters?
And we can go from there
Currently i am working with a 100 gallon. It has 100 pounds of live rock, live sand (not too sure on weight), a yellow tang, two anemone's, a tomatoe clown, a nassau tang, a cleaner shrimp, hermit crabs and turbo snails. The tank has only been running for about 3-4 months and everything is seeming to do well other than this poor anemone. The other anemone is fully extended during the day and sucked in at night, as is normal.
Filtration includes a pro clear aquatic systems sump with built in skimmer. Water temp is 78.5 degrees. The salinity is 1.023. For the lighting, we are using 2 USA Nova Extreme T5 Aquarium Lighting Fixture, 4X39 Watt, 36 inch.