Anemone Dying?


New Member
I took a few pics to show what its going through. I really have no idea whats wrong. You can't see it very well, but in the third pic it has some pink stuff over its mouth(or maybe that is its mouth.) Thanks in advance for any help.



Welcome to SWF...Sorry to see your anemone does not look too good.
Can you post all the info on your size, age, lights, filtrations, water parameters?
And we can go from there


New Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Welcome to SWF...Sorry to see your anemone does not look too good.
Can you post all the info on your size, age, lights, filtrations, water parameters?
And we can go from there
Currently i am working with a 100 gallon. It has 100 pounds of live rock, live sand (not too sure on weight), a yellow tang, two anemone's, a tomatoe clown, a nassau tang, a cleaner shrimp, hermit crabs and turbo snails. The tank has only been running for about 3-4 months and everything is seeming to do well other than this poor anemone. The other anemone is fully extended during the day and sucked in at night, as is normal.
Filtration includes a pro clear aquatic systems sump with built in skimmer. Water temp is 78.5 degrees. The salinity is 1.023. For the lighting, we are using 2 USA Nova Extreme T5 Aquarium Lighting Fixture, 4X39 Watt, 36 inch.


what about ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph and phosphates?
Usually they say not to add an anemone until the tank is a minimum of 6 months died :(....
I do not know if the regular T5's are enough light either.....HO maybe but I don't know about yours...


New Member
I do not know about the parameters at this current time, i can do some tests to find out.. This is my parents tank, and they have been in such a rush to put it all together.. I guess they will be learning the hard way.
I will update with after i pull the test kit out.


Active Member
I would be willing to bet that your tank is still too young to host a health anemone. The T5 lighting should be substantial for an anemone and even if it wasn't it would not be deteriorating that fast from a lack of lighting. Does it look okay at times or is it always deflated and what are you feeding it?


Originally Posted by qb6945
I do not know about the parameters at this current time, i can do some tests to find out.. This is my parents tank, and they have been in such a rush to put it all together.. I guess they will be learning the hard way.
I will update with after i pull the test kit out.
Please tell your parents that the tank is too young to support it and not to get another one for about another 3 - 6 months. In this hobby you really need to go slow.
Thats why I love my LFS. I hear them all the time talking people with new tanks OUT of buying things (Especially Anemones). Its not that they TRY to talk them out of it, but that they WILL NOT sell if they know you have a new tank.
ONE MORE THING. Are the two anemones the same kind or different. IF they are different it could be being chemically attacked by the other.
Good luck, but slow down.


New Member
We have 2 haitian anemone's. We feed them full shrimp cut into fingertip size peices one peice every 3 days. This is what the owner of the fish store told us to do. Thanks for all the responses.


Originally Posted by qb6945
We have 2 haitian anemone's. We feed them full shrimp cut into fingertip size peices one peice every 3 days. This is what the owner of the fish store told us to do. Thanks for all the responses.
that fine, but amenones do not NEED to be fed that often. And a full size shrimp is a LOT at once unless they are huge. Once a week is more than enough, I would cut it as small as possible. I would chill on the feeding until you see if it recovers.


I agree with that....feed smaller pieces, and if the anemone is not not try to feed it...and also 1x a week should be good.
Is this raw frozen shell on shrimp???


Active Member
Originally Posted by windlasher
ONE MORE THING. Are the two anemones the same kind or different. IF they are different it could be being chemically attacked by the other.
This is a very important piece of information. I have seen the chemical warfare between two different species and it was not pretty.


New Member
The anemone died soon after i left for work today. Poor thing. We do not feed them whole shrimp. We cut the shrimp into fingertip size peices and feed them one small peice every 3 to 5 days.