Anemone for Me??



I'm not sure whether I can get one or not with my lighting. I have a 72 gal with 4x65 pcs (w/ 2 actinics). Is there any anemone that will survive in this lighting, maybe near the top of the tank?


Active Member
A BTA (bubble-tip anemone) would do just fine under that lighting! You could also do a tube anemone, but those won't host clowns. HTH


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Thats not enough lighting even for a BTA long term.
260 watts over a 72? I think it would be fine!! Its borderline, but I think it would be okay.


Thanks for the help! So it might be possible to keep a BTA near the top, right?


I forgot I had another question. Once at the LFS I saw a cleaner shrimp being eaten by an anemone. Does that happen a lot? I don't want to lose my cleaner shrimp or any of my fish.


Active Member
I personally think you could keep a BTA, so yes. And, as far as them eating tankmates, it is uncommon, but on occasion, it does happen. Most fish/mobile invertebrates know by instinct not to go near them, but it does SOMETIMES happen. The BTA is probably the least common of all the anemones to do this, with the carpet being notorious for eating fish. Hope this helps!


Originally Posted by Sea_Star
Thanks for the help! So it might be possible to keep a BTA near the top, right?
for a month, tops


Sea Star, dont listen to the negitive in here. A BTA will be fine with that lighting :jumping: . You dont have to put it on top it will move on its own untill it gets settled.


Active Member
IMO that's not enough lighting for even a BTA. Add another two 65 watt lights and it might have a chance.
FWIW, I find it odd that you first took one opinion (what you wanted to hear) over two people who said not to add anemones. :notsure:


Well, I'm listening to everything. I'm just a little upset that we got the best lights at the LFS and it still wasn't enough!


Where does everyone get their MH lights because I'm pretty sure that my LFS doesn't have them. I guess I'll have to upgrade instead of risking killing anything.


Sea Star, I Have A Friend With The Same Lighting Amount On A 72 Gallon Bowfront And Has A Perfectly Health Sebae Anenomae Living Just Fine With Two Beautiful Tomato Clowns That Just Roll In It!!!! The Most Important Thing Will Be To Keep Your Water Balanced!!! It Will Find A Spot To Stay Where It Likes The Light On It's Own. I Also Have A Sebae In My 120 That I Just Traded Into The Lfs That Lived Through A 29 Gallon Tank With A 130 Watt Pc On It And A 65 Gallon Tank With A 230 Watt Pc On It, And Outgrew Every Tank I Put It In. It Did Really Sprout With My Halides On The 120, But He Was More Than Fine In The Smaller Tanks With The Pc!!! By The Way If You Get A Sebae, They Love Spirulina!!!
Good Luck!!!!


I think keeping anemones has to do alot with keeping him feed and good water quality.
and you got to half decent lights which you do. I saw give it a shot and dont try to place him or move him, he will find a spot he likes.


On this website, it does say that Sebae anemones need MEDIUM lighting. Corals that require medium lighting are doing great in my tank. Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't the anemone do fine too with the same lighting needs??


Active Member
IMO all hosting species of anemones need relatively high lighting compared to other corals. I never recommend sebaes to tanks without halides, especially since sebaes reside in the sand. BTAs, LTAs, and condy anemones are the least light-demanding hosting anemones.
It's really up to you, but you already know my position.
For what it's worth, I'd like to see recent pics of supposedly healthy anemones under low lighting for extended periods of time.