Anemone help, he is hiding


Tank 5 months old, all water parameters are good and I tested and had LFS test as well to make certain my kit was okay. 90 gl with 120 LR, 100 lbs. LS;25 gallon sump,refugium with good ball chaeto and LR in sump. Had Long Tentacle anemone about 3 weeks now, along with 2 false percs. He looks healthy, foot shows no sign of tears. Foot looks solid and redish colored and healthy as I can see. Have not been able to get him to eat since got him. Tried silversides and shrimp pieces. he will hold them few minutes then let them go. He hid under a rock shelf after 2 days of just lodging in sand bed, I had T5 lights on tank at first but installed MH this past Monday, 2- 250 watt with 4 - 54 watt. T5's on tank now. Still Staying under shelf and not attached to anything. I took him out of shelter yesterdy, he wasnt attached to anything and easily moved him out and placed him on rock shelf, lasted about 4 hours and he is back under rock. Suggestions or just wait him out, worried he hasnt eaten, He has about one third of his tentacles hanging out from under the rock so getting some light.
LT anemones prefer the sand bed to take root. A picture would be great if possible? How does his coloring look? Are the clowns trying to host it? I would have to say there is some lighting issues with it since it is retreating under the rocks. If it is bleached it will take a little time before it will stay under your t-5's and especially the MH lighting you just installed. It will have to be acclimated to the stronger lighting. Make sure his mouth isn't gaping open or it is not expelling brown stringy mucus because this would be some danger signs of a very sick/stressed anemone. I would let it move where it wants to and it will find a suitable place for its liking. Try very small pieces of what you have been trying to feed it. Anemones need prestine water conditions and your tank is really young but maybe you can make this work out. I am sure some other people will give you some more great information.


Lta's prefer sand. They are getting acclimated to the halide switch from T5's. Try to cut back on the halides to a couple hours a day, then increase a little more each day. Some people use the plastic egg crate to difuse the light until it gets used to the lights.
If the anemone is roaming it is unhappy(getting acclimated to lights) so it will set it's foot when it feels comfortable. Just be sure you have the powerheads and filter intakes covered in plastic mesh or a sponge so they don't get sucked into it.
This is just my opinion and i'm sure others will add their .02


Sorry, I need to say be very careful, using plastic to diffuse a metal halide, it may melt. I use something metal such as tin foil to shade just a small spot over the anemone.


Yeah, I put screen over my tank and it melted from the MH lights, and then one of my glass lids broke...I have since switched to egg crate


I am acclimating with MH started out with 4 hours day and adding 1 hour every second day. Mouth not gaping open and havent seen any discharge. He doesnt looked bleached out, his foot is a good color and body is green with just the tips being white colored. Tried a pretty small piece of shrimp yesterday and no luck. Will watch and try food again later. Thanks guys, maybe he is just getting adjusted. Clowns arent trying to host it yet, he really isnt in good position for them to stay near him. They seem very curious but havent committed yet.
The LFS usually don't keep anemones under the mh lighting and from what you have described it seems to be a reasonable explanation as to why it is hiding. As it becomes acclimated to your new lights it will come out in the open. Good luck!