Anemone Help


I just bought an anemone a bubble tip it looks like its dead how do i tell all of its tentacles are all stretched out and its not moving. I have to take it to aquatics class in the morning it will be in the bag overnight. what do i do?


Styrafoam coolers a good idea.
Is it to late for you to go to walmart?? In the camping/fishing section they have these little heat packs for like 2 bucks apiece.
You wanna maintain his temp as best as possible.
In the center of the anemone, does it look like he's turning himself insideout?


I think hes alive i put a light on him and hes moving a little. I cant go to walmart but i do have a heating pad the kind you plug in.


You do not want him to get to hot of course. If you have a tank thermometer to regulate the temp you'd wanna keep it anywhere from 77 to 84. Maybe put a pillow on the heating pad then put the bag on the pillow??
Course that styrofoam cooler is a good idea. That's how they're shipped.


How should i introduce him to the tank in the morning? just float him like a fish? i also got a pair of maroon gold sripe clowns the pet store put them in a bucket and now ive got an ariator going in there one of them is extremley large, how should i put them in the tank should i put them in a bag and float them?


First of all, do not mix the fish water with the anemone water! The fish water most likely has copper in it and any amount of that will kill an anemone. You don't simply float the bags because salt water fish have to acclimate to more than just temp. They hafta acclimate to ph, and salinity also. What you wanna do is take a piece of airline, start a syphon from your tank to the bucket they are in. Tie a loose knot in the line so the flow becomes a drip. After about an hour or when the amount of water has doubled (that's me) then they are safe to put into the main tank. I assume your clowns are not going through quarentine first. But either way, acclimate them seperately and watch the anemone after you place him in the tank, he may move and get sucked up in a powerhead. Just be prepared to unplug powerheads til he settles down.


The only problem is that i dont really have an hour to wait for the water to drip. i guess i could get there really early but im not sure if my aquatic science teacher will be there that early. maybe i could miss 1st period . is there a faster way to do it or is that the only way. if its the only way i will figure it out some how


That is the most reliable way. With the fish you could maybe take a shortcut and put a cup of water in the bucket to help speed up the process, but the anemone is so much more delicate, I don't think I'd risk it. Speed up the drip and when the water in the bucket is double the volume then add it. Slimmer chance of survival, but you also wanna get them out of the bag as soon as you can.


Thank you so much for your help they probably would have defintley died if you didnt help me now they have a chance. im gonna get to school about 7:00 that gives me like an hour and 30 minutes to acclimate them do you think that will be long enough? i hope it is because i dont even think the school opens before then.


Well say yeah, it should be long enough. But if you ever get another it won't be.
Good luck! Take pics, we love pics!


what do you mean if i get another it wont be? also what does lfs stand for and what is a quarantine tank should i have one for a 55 gallon


Oh sorry, what I mean is since you hafta rush it (I'm assuming 45 minutes each?) then next time you will hopefully have more time.
LFS=local fish store
You should ALWAYS have a quarentine tank when you have salt water fish. Those 2 clowns you have, if you put them in your main tank then they break out with a disease, not only will it infect all other fish but you will hafta remove them all from that tank to treat them since most fish treatments are fatal to inverts and live rock. If you house them in a QT for about 6 weeks then you wll be assured that they are happy healthy fish for your main tank. A qt can be a small 10 gallon to serve it's purpose.


Ill probably set up the siphons going at the same time so it will go faster is that ok. So what do people mean all the time when they talk about lfs'? ill work on that quarantine tank this week. thanks for the help again.


The two clowns are going to be the only fish in there except for maybe a damsel until a week or so when i get more fish.


Yes, just have the newly mixed saltwater ready to put back into the tank.


by the newly mixed saltwater you mean the water in the bucket mixed with the water from the tank with the fish in it right