First of all, do not mix the fish water with the anemone water! The fish water most likely has copper in it and any amount of that will kill an anemone. You don't simply float the bags because salt water fish have to acclimate to more than just temp. They hafta acclimate to ph, and salinity also. What you wanna do is take a piece of airline, start a syphon from your tank to the bucket they are in. Tie a loose knot in the line so the flow becomes a drip. After about an hour or when the amount of water has doubled (that's me) then they are safe to put into the main tank. I assume your clowns are not going through quarentine first. But either way, acclimate them seperately and watch the anemone after you place him in the tank, he may move and get sucked up in a powerhead. Just be prepared to unplug powerheads til he settles down.