anemone ID please


got him 3 days ago, eating and doing just fine but i have no idea what its called, its fairly large and at the LFS they said it was a ri....? anemone, just remember it started with ri
any ideas?



Scientific Name Heteractis magnifica
Reef Compatible Yes
Care Level Expert-only
Disposition Aggressive
Min. Tank Size 50 gallons
Mature Size 20 inches
Placement in tank High
Light Level High
Water Flow Strong
Diet Carnivore
Range Indo-Pacific


yes it is, i loved the coloration, its right across from the filter output so makes sense that it needs high flow, i took out my powerhead to mix some water for a water change so the most flow was from the filter
good thing i ordered my new lights yesterday, should have about 4.8 watts per gallon :D


coralife lunar aqualight compact flourescent strip lights
everything i need to have a full 24 hour light cycle, 10,000K bulbs, actinic bulbs, and lunar led lamps for at night
40gal tank


Originally Posted by spkdtch
coralife lunar aqualight compact flourescent strip lights
everything i need to have a full 24 hour light cycle, 10,000K bulbs, actinic bulbs, and lunar led lamps for at night
40gal tank
YIKES!!!! That anemone will probably need stronger lighting.


Originally Posted by spkdtch
hm, thats a shame, if the lights wont work, ill have to give the anemone away
How many watts are your lights?
MOST (not all) anemones do not do well under pc's....There are SOME cases of people who have pcs and are able to keep anemones....although there are more cases of ones who can't....


192watts of daytime light on my 40 gal means 4.8 watts per gal
not sure about the actinic or lunars, but i cant imagine very strong
i bought the lights to do more corals since right now all i have is like 80 watts for the fish so i can see stuff


Active Member
as someone who has tried to keep anenomes and corals under pc's, i'll just say this:
wattage per gallon is not a good way to determine what you can keep. they are decent in say a biocube or something, but pc's just don't give the PAR (strength) of light needed for corals/anenomes. heck, my zoos didn't grow under pc's. someone told me that if a coral isn't growing, it's dying. since ive gone to t5's, i understand what he told me. my coral growth has multiplied 100fold.
you seem to keep getting anenomes... how many tanks are you keeping these in?
i did though keep a bubble tip under pc's, and it was at the very very top of the tank. 3 months after i traded it to someone with MH, it was 5 times as big as when i gave it to him.