I just bought a long tantacled anemone ( macrodactyla doreensis ). After spending about 2 hours in its new home, it still has not attached to anything. So I am wondering why?
When the anemone was at the store I checked to make sure of the following:
Was attached to something
Had a mouth that was tightly closed
Reacted in some way when touched
So based on the three test above I determined that the anemone was healthy.
Should I have the lights on or off while it attaches?
Does anyone know if this type of anemone likes fast current/slow current/ or no current?
Is there anything that I can do to help this little guy attach?
I just bought a long tantacled anemone ( macrodactyla doreensis ). After spending about 2 hours in its new home, it still has not attached to anything. So I am wondering why?
When the anemone was at the store I checked to make sure of the following:
Was attached to something
Had a mouth that was tightly closed
Reacted in some way when touched
So based on the three test above I determined that the anemone was healthy.
Should I have the lights on or off while it attaches?
Does anyone know if this type of anemone likes fast current/slow current/ or no current?
Is there anything that I can do to help this little guy attach?