anemone questions


i would like to start a community tank (anemones,clowns,ect.) do anemones only live on live rock and live sand? Which kind of anemone/clowns go together? tHanks for your help:D

bang guy

I don't know of any host anemone that won't quickly outgrow a 15 except a Bubbletip. Have you considered Hairy Mushrooms? They are MUCH easier to care for.


my tomato clown is in a bubble tip. In my opinion (IMO), go to a LFS and when you see a clown in a anenome, that is what you buy. I have a percula that likes frogspawn and my hammer. he doesn't play in it hard, more like under it. I purchased my clown with the anenome. they have been together ever since.:)