

I know that there have been may people ask this very same question but I am going to ask it anyway. I am looking to buy two perculas. I wanted to get a bubble tip anemone but was told in a previous thread in a different board that it was unlikely that perculas would host a bubble tip, espescially if they were aquacultured. So then I wondered about getting a sebae anemone. I was wondering if this would be a suitable anemone for perculas, if not then what kind. If anybody can clear this up for me I would be very grateful. And it would be great if anyone can let me know what is the best lighting for the anemone that would be best for the clowns.


True Pecs or False Percs? Not that it matters much. Either will host in a BTA. I have a pair of Trues living in a large BTA in one tank and 4 False Percs (Tank Bred) in another tank hosting in a BTA.


Originally Posted by ReeferMadn
True Pecs or False Percs? Not that it matters much. Either will host in a BTA. I have a pair of Trues living in a large BTA in one tank and 4 False Percs (Tank Bred) in another tank hosting in a BTA.
i wouldn't say that they will, especially if aquacultured. it's really a throw of the dice. yes, some clowns prefer certain anemones and maybe someone can answer that part of your question.
it's just never guaranteed that a clown will host an anemone and the odds are relatively low with aquacultured.


Active Member
Never can be sure they will host but in the wild, A. percula host in Ritteri, Sebae, and Carpets. Many do host in BTA in aquariums....


Thanks everyone. That was very helpful. I guess I will probably go with a sebae. Can anyone tell me what is the best lighting for a sebae. Thanks.


Originally Posted by NTank20
Can anyone tell me what is the best lighting for a sebae. Thanks.
Metal Halide


The percula doesn't normally host in a BTA in the wild, however it is much more common to occur in the home aquarium.
The sebae should have metal halides for the best chance of survival, they are very light hungry animals and sensitive to changes. They can be substrate or rock dwelling. They can be quite a challange for many experienced hobbyists. Make sure you try to purchase one that has as much tan/brown color as you can, steer clear of white ones unless you already have MH lighting in place.


Thanks thomas. I guess I shouln't go with a sebae. I am not that experienced and would rather go with something more easy. If I don't go with a sebae or a bubble tip, what kind would you recommend. Are bubble tips easier to take care of than any other species. Thanks


I would do the bubble tip hands down. For me they were very easy. I used VHO and MH lighting with great success. Use at least 4 watts per gallon, more is better. Have enough rockwork for them to climb at least 1/2 way up the water column 2/3 being better.


I have a 45 gallon tank with about 55 lbs of liverock. I have stacked the rock so that there is about 6 to 7 inches of water at the top of the tank. Would this be enough?


I am still confused about one thing though. The pictures that they show of a bubble tip on the saltwater site and pictures that i have seen on here look nothing alike. Why is that. Are there different types of bubble tip's or are they not the same. If anyone can show me what they actually look like (a true bubble tip) a would really appreciate it.


Active Member
Heres pics of mine, Its a green, I think or tan, not sure what the four possible colors are, that rarly shows the color unless it closeing. Have had it nearly 5 years now and its split a couple times too...Some people beleive there are 2 different species,,,, IDK,,,, but I think they will normally Bubble up their tips if they are stress or being bothered as a means of defense......if they are in a good enviroment and dont feel threatened then they relaxe their tenticals and strech them out as a better ability to catch food and light....Mine will bubble its tips if a coral is touching it and only the few tips that are touching.....I dont know if anyone is sure why they will or will not have bubbled tips but this is just my thoughts about it....
The one pic shows the last time it split into three sections, all three sectios are doing fine and getting bigger and I need to get 2 of them out....what a pain sometimes....



Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
The non bubbling means its hungry. My bta has really short tentacles.
And do you have any scientific research ect. that you can post or link us to on that ??


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
The non bubbling means its hungry. My bta has really short tentacles.
i'd like to see some evidence for this too because i'm pretty sure that's not the case.
i think dogstar has it correct and i've also noticed a difference between hosting and non-hosting.


I've fed them and starved them, doesn't matter. As long as they get enough light then the zooxanthellae will feed from within. Remember guys just how much food they might get or not in the wild. They also will eat the excrement of the clown fish and anything that the clowns are clumsy enough to give them.


Thanks for the pics and the info everyone. Another quick question though. Where do you think i should buy my bta from. A lfs or this website. I can't decide and if anyone can give me a suggestion or if anyone has ordered a bta from here if they could tell me how good a quality it was. thanks