
clown lover

New Member
hello everyone! this is my first post. we just got an anemone crab, but he has eaten 4 of my blue legged hermits :mad: if we get more hermits will he continue his feast? will he get along with any type of shrimp? also i found him half way up the tank....he got that way on the caulk...will my tank spring a leak? any suggestions on what anemone i should get for my percula's? my daughter said a bubble or long tentacle.
ClownLover :cool:
55gal hex
2 percula's
4 damsels
1 sally lightfoot
scarlet hermits
blueleg hermits
Brazillan Royal Grama

nm reef

Active Member
...or better yet post a picture of it? I've never heard of a anenome crab being so aggressive!

bang guy

My Perculas are very happy with Green Hairy Mushrooms. I don't recommend any Anemone until you've gained a lot of experience.
If you must have an Anemone then Tank Propogates Bubble Tips are the best way to go.