Anemones and clowns


I just puchased 2 percula clown fish and I am fasinated with the way they play in the anemones. The 2 clowns are in the q-tank and are doing very well. I would like to get these little guys an anemone, but I dont what kind I should get. Im looking for one that is relitively hardy and that the percula clown will enjoy. If you have any suggestion I would love to hear them. The tank that the clowns will go in after quarantine is a 46 gal bow front with 53 lbs of LR, the water perms are 0 amm., 0 trites, 10 ppm trates, salinity 1.025, ph 8.4 and temp is always 78. Also i was looking for some hardy mushrooms that are colorful if anyone has any advice...thanks in advance ;)


Active Member
Well, I have a few suggestions, and also a must-read book that tells you everything you'll need in this area. Clownfish and Sea Anemones by John H. Tullock. This book is great for what you're looking into. Perculas can be hosted by Stichodactyla gigantea(Giant Carpet Anemone), Heteractis magnifica(Magnificent Anemone; Ritteri Anemone; Red Anemone), and occasionally Entacmaea quadricolor(Bulb Anemone; Bubble-Tip Anemone; Maroon Anemone; Rose Anemone). Of the three, Entacmaea quadricolor is probably the most commonly available and hardiest, and thus, less expensive. I would read the book forementioned thoroughly before taking the next step.


Active Member
I'd say you're best bet is either a carpet anemone, bubble anemone, or ritteri anemone. Of the 3, the bubble is the most hardy, though no anemone is actually easy to keep. Carpets tend to be more aggressive, and there are many reports of them eating fish.

bang guy

IMO either get a Bubble-Tip propogated from a fellow hobbiest or better yet Green Hairy Mushrooms. Leave the wild anemone in the ocean. It can be very satisfying having them host in a mushroom: