Anemones for the poor


u i have 4 false percs that desperately need an anemone to live in. i know that there r only three tru hosts 4 a false perc, like somethin magnifica, stycalactus giganta, and stycalactis mertensii. i wanna know if anyone has ever had a false perc go in another anemone and liked it. also, a guy that a trust at my lfs told me that it might go in this green carpet he had, but it cost a lot so i wanna know if this is tru and if so, caretaking of this green carpet anemone
Any help is apreciated! THANX!


hey dave search for pics of clowns, and you will see that people have pictures of their percs in BTA's and long Tenticle anemones.


Active Member
What makes you think yor fish need a anemone?
you know there is no way to tell if any clown will take to any anemone, they have preferences but nothing is written in stone


ye but somone told me that that hapening is like a fluke and they eventuallly leave the stranger anemone, but any info on the green carpet would be nice:)


well they seem to be approaching a fake coral decoration as if it were an anemone and they seem to want to go in it thats just my thought tho


Active Member
Yeah, it might go into a green carpet and get eaten! They love fish. Our lfs had one for 3 years in a 200 with a naso tang that had been in there 5 years and was full grown. Couple weeks ago they arrived to see the carpet had eaten half the tang and was workin on the rest of it:( I had a green carpet, but when my royal gramma got stuck on it and it was curling up for the kill I decided to take the carpet back to the lfs.


Active Member
I have a large green Carpet , Never saw him eat a fish , although I had missing ones:( that just dissapeared, I like it though, but NONE of the clowns I had ever looked at it,


My false perc lives in a large hammer coral. took it about six months before he went to the coral but he hasn't left it since he found it (8 months ago).
Also have a tomato clown that uses a flower pot for a host.
You don't need an anemone for these fish as they also use various corals as a host although they don't always use it, it's hit or miss.

bang guy

Mushrooms are easier to care for and you don't have to pull them out of the ocean just to croak in your tank.


Mine happily lives in a pink tip haitian condylactis. It cost me $7.98 and he defends it viciously. that's right he's a bad @$$.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Mushrooms are easier to care for and you don't have to pull them out of the ocean just to croak in your tank.

Very blunt, but muchly agreed upon here.
Besides, as mentioned, many do not take to hosts, at all, and it is not dependant upon the species, but the exact fish, kinda like us, some of us like liver, some do not. Even though everybody thinks we need it.


I agree that you don't need an anemone for your clowns. My false perc uses a large featherduster as her host.
One other thing to consider too, DfishH, is that chocolate chip starfish in your tank, I believe they will eat anemones.....


Like Hondo, I have a maroon clown that has adopted my hammer coral and is very happy there.