

for SPS (hard corals) your going to need a lot of light most SOS will not do good under anything other than Metal Halide for long term but isnt really a host coral. clowns like to wrap themselfs in the tenticals of the coral and SPS corals dont hacve that long of polyps. most art rather short in fact.
as far as anemones the BTA or LTA are good ones and most clowns willhost in them the only thing is that some clowns still dont see them as a host and will prefer something else.
I have a BTA and my clown doesnt have anything to do with it she sleeps in a hole in a rock.
as far as the ricordia I havent heard of a clown hosting in them but its possible I guess. I just never heard of them.


Yes, It has 2 pipes which splits where the filtered water comes out. and there's a current on both sides of the tank and a really small one in the middle where the 2 currents collide. I have these pvc ends that push the water into different directions.
What are some good hosting Anemones?
What about Hard Corals with Clowns? Will that work out?
And, will the Flower/Ricordia Mushroom (Discosoma Speices) work with the clowns?
Thanks again!


Yeah, we posted almost at same time.. sorry.
What's SOS? BTA and LTA?
I will get some long-tenticle coral tomorrow. Along with calcium and alkalinity chemicals and the testers.
How often are you supposed to test the tank for everything? I havn't yet finished the book on page 170ish and theres about 400 pages.. I have the basic idea.
Clowns just need something with long tenticles? correct?
Thanks soo much Mike!


SOS was suposed to be SPS corals sorry
BTA bubble tip anemone
LTA long tentical anemone
these 2 are the most common and if you decide to get an anemone then try to get a tank raised clone they are more adapted to tank life then most of the ones you see at a LFS. but hold off till the system matures before attepting it.
I would actually wait until you test the water and get things adjusted if need be before getting any corals. the reason if the readings are off then it will cause stress on the coral which isnt good.
on testing and adding chemicals.
testing after you get the readings stablilized about once or twice a month so that you can sdjust them as they start to change. but never ever add any chemicals to the tank unless you have tested it first to make sure that you need to dose it. you can actually over dose these into a tnak and can actually harm the inhabitants more than help them.


What about Flower Pot Green Long Polyp, Frogspawn, Grape Bubble (Plerogyra species),DaisyFlower Pot (Goniopora lobata) for clowns? Those all look suitable.. but unsure..
I'm not going to get any Anomnes for about 6 months but i'm writing it down and saving it.
I guess ill go get the testing equiptment first.. and stabalize it all.
What's about average on all those things?


the flower pots are one of the corals that really should be attemtpted not very many people can keep them alive for very long something about their diet just start to dwendle away after a few months.
the bubble corals really arent a good one just under the bubbles they have a hard skeleton so there not much room and the clown probably would host in it or even try to.
the frogspawn is another that the clown if he chose to host in it them it affect the coral adversly but probably wouldnt host in it to start with.
the ones that my other clown seemed to like was my colt and green star polyps and the fuzzy mushrooms didnt effect them adversly.
some people have their clowns hosting in long polyp toadstool leathers.
I will see what other corals that I can find that have the ability to host a clown. but you have to watch to make sure the clown doesnt bother the coral to much or it may not open up.


Alright.. and if I put anything in the tank.. ie soft coral or whatever.. will the clowns hurt it.. though it may not be for them?
I read they aren't really aggressive toward other corals etc.


no some corals if they try to host in them can cause the coral to close up but most of the time when that happens they move on to the next coral until they find one that suits them. but sometimes they try to hard LOL


Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow.. it's 11:19 here and time for bed.. thanks for everything.
What are some average readings for nitrite, nitrate, calcium, and alkalinity?


nitrtie 0
nitrate as low as you can keep it but you will have some try to stay below 50 I think .
calcium 450-500 I believe
and alk at about 10-24
I will have to check these they are off the top of my head so I might be off a little bit.


Please post updated test numbers when you can.


Hi, I'm new to the board and am getting back into sw after 10 years and a lot has changed. I just wanted to say that you have great questions and I am learning a lot from them. I to want clowns to host and have not yet put anything in there. So keep up the great questions. Thanks, Jen


No problem.. I have a few more questions.. and some things I need to make sure about. Then I know the basics.. and time to just sit here and constantly read the boards.
And, welcome back into the hobby! Have fun Jen :)


How long before a Anemone or soft coral decides to host a Clown? Does it just happen overnight?
Just thinking for the future...


Active Member
Nick17, at first I thought you were a troll, which in case you don't know, is someone that comes on boards and tries for anemone in a tank that just cycled is doomed, and that's why I thought you were messing with us.......perhaps I was wrong, and you were simply steered wrong by the LFS as many have been. I do believe you have a lot more reading to do before keeping corals......unless you want the disappointment of constantly having to replace dead you know corals fight and kill each other, and in a 29 most be picked carefully since the can sting each other? Do you know anemones and corals must be fed? I suggest a few good books and at the very least a test kit. A tank is NOT stable after the just means the tank has no detactable ammonia......still unstable though, and fluctuations in many areas as the tank balances out can cause trouble. I would invest this time in learning and getting ready as the tank matures. Everyone starts as new.....and I'm not putting you down.....hope you don't think so.......I would just stick to coming up with a stocking plan since things have to go in a certain order many times.................remember, the nicest reef tanks are years old, and it took that time to get there.......I can always tell the difference when one is thrown together, and half the stuff in those dies later anyway......patience is key. It literally takes years, not days.


Yeah, I know MOST basic things. I am just making sure on some things and asking questions too. And yes, I was steered to buying Anemones from LFS and I told him exactly what I've told you folks. I'm going to go add about another 20lbs or so of LR today and get all the testing equiptment first.. and go from there.. I'm actually very patient, but since I made the jump from FW to SW it's really quite different. And i'm learning.. slowly.. but surely..
Thanks for all the information guys!
I will be lurking the boards reading just about every topic when I have time. This seems like a very fun hobby (SW that is)


Active Member
May I suggest that if you really want a host for a future clown--consider feather dusters. They're not a coral--and so are a little easier to keep in a new tank--and I've seen many a clown happily host in a feather duster cluster. (And they're purty :) )


Thanks leigh! I was wondering if they would eat them.. or not.. now I know. Thanks!
I'll try that one day.
Any other suggestions?


What's the minimum lighting to grow hard corals and soft corals?