Anemonie hithhike on LR??


I noticed today that when I looked at my LR there was a thing that looks like an anemonie on my LR. It's not aiptasia I think. It's pink in color and when I touch it it sucks in like an anemonie does. Right now it is about 1/2 an inch tall. What is it and should I be feeding it? If I do feed it, what do I feed it. Right now I have no life in the tank besides LR and LS.
P.S. I hope it's a RBTA:D


A stalk? Do u mean a tube like thing? It has one. It's not as thin as a small feather dusters though, it's as big in diameter as its tentacles go out. It has short tenticles and when I touch it it goes in ( I touched it with a net). I also have a few more questions. Do turbo snails always stay on the glass? I got a cleanup crew today and I put it on the glass and it just stays there. Also, should I feed my clean up crew every other day? I got that turbo, 3 hermits, and a brittle star. I fed each hermit a pellet and they are still chewing on it(5 hours now) and fed my brittle star 3 pellets and he stole one from a hermit( I gave the hermit another one). Should I feed them by putting the pellet in front of them or just put them in random spots in the tank and let them hunt for it?
Thanx alot and plz answer ?s.:)


Something else I just saw a creature on my glass. It is very small. It has a center round thing and eight "legs" coming out of it. Its a whit trasperant color what is it?
Thanx again


Don't forget the question above, but back 2 the anemonie question. Itis a pink opaqueish color. It has short tentacles and tuck in when I touch it. Plz help I don't want to be overun with something That I don't even know what it is.:nervous: :help: :help: :confused:


Active Member

Originally posted by Foxxy
No need to feed hermits or stars every other day. Mostly just fouls up your water. A couple times a week should be plenty.

here is one of your answers............


Alot of people mistake these MOJANO anenomes for BTA's or RBTA's..take a look...Mojano
They dont grow as fast as aiptasia does, but still no good..


I'm gonna go touch it now. R buton polyps good? And does superglue affect ur tank? Cause if it is aiptasia then I will touch it, make it go in, and then glue it shut.

Thanx I'll report what happens.


ok cause I have about 4 in my tank. I am gonna do a search on button polyps and see what I can find. I haven't touched it yey. But I will touch it tommorrow.
Thanx, I'll let u know tomorrow


Bang, it's a button polyp. Thomas said that when u touch it a buttin poylp tucks in its tentacles and leaves the stalk. Aiptasia suck in the rock. R button polyps good? Would 20w lighting be okfor hem? What do I feed them and other stuff like that. I did a search, but it did not say how to care for it. Thanx


Thanx alot Bang. U really have helped. My last questions. Do they look good, do they multiply by themselves, and r they common hithhikers? Thanx alot Bang. After those ?s I'll leave u alone.

bang guy

Many of them look very nice. You'll have to judge if you personally like the look. I do.
They multiply, sometimes very fast. They are fairly common hitchhikers.