
New Member
My anenome isn't looking very well. I have a Rose tip anenome and for the past 3 weeks or so it has looked like this. Can anyone maybe tell me what is the problem. I have a 55 gallon tank with
4x65 watt power compacts. With a skimmer and a sump pump. All water parameters are o.k as far as nitrates, nitrites, Specific Gravity: 1.025-1.026, Temperature: 78-81°F, pH: 7.7 - 8.1. I can't even feed it brine shrimp when it want open up it's tentacles. Any way here is a picture.. Any suggestions would be grately appreciated.

bang guy

Hi Skooter! Welcome :)
Your Anemone look emaciated to me. How often do you give it real food like a Silverside, Scallop or a big piece of shrimp? With low lighting it will need a lot of food to maintain itself.


New Member
Well for the first reply, the darn thing doesn't stay still, so it is all over the tank. I have good water flow throughout the tank. I give it mysis shrimp every weekend. I have never gave it anything else. Even when I try to feed it with that It's tentacles are all small so it doesn't grab them to pull them in. So anymore suggestions. I will purchase some scallops this weekend and try that. But with the tentacles small I don't know if it will pull it in.


Active Member
it's unhappy about something. about what i cannot guess at this moment.
in the beginning when my anemone was running around, i moved it (very gently of course) back to the 'desired' rock. it still wanted to move to the back side where light couldn't get to as much from time to time so what i did was, i turned the rock around so the anemone was always exposed to enough light. after a couple days of small movements it settled down and it has been there every since.
Try feeding it frozen squid. since the tentacles aren't out, maybe try very fine pieces and just be very patience with feeding it. or, target feed it with liquid invert food like kent's micro-vert.

bang guy

If the tentacles are no longer sticky then it may be too late. I think it's starving. With the small amount of light you have it should have been fed a whole lot more that a few Mysis once a week. It probably needed a whole scallop or two or three Silversides three times a week. (Squid is great too!).


New Member
Well I tried to feed it but it want take nothing in. I am going to try again tomorrow....Pic of my clown and frogspawn


Mine devoured a bunch of krill yesterday. Feeding the anemones in my tank is a PITA. I have to make sure that the cleaner and 4 peppermints are happy before feeding or else the anemones never have a chance to pull the food in.


New Member
your specific gravity is too high... then again i may be wrong... but i find that
keep my fish healthy


Active Member
don't rush to adjust your salinity either.
i find it more important to keep water paremeters constant than having them at a certain level.

bang guy


Originally posted by jeffxsohn
your specific gravity is too high... then again i may be wrong... but i find that
keep my fish healthy

His Specific Gravity is perfect, yours is far too low.


New Member
Snailheave and Bang Guy thanks for the info my anenome is looking better when I can snap a new photo I will make sure I pass it onto you..........I have feed him for the past 3 days, feed it shrimp......


New Member
After feeding it every day for a week it has changed dramatically. The pic with the red arrow is before the other is after. Of course you can tell by the dates on the pics...


Active Member
you are welcome. Is it getting enough light? I notice it's in the same position and from the picture it looks shaded?


New Member
yes it is in the same spot but looking alot better. I wished it would move to the top of the rocks but it likes hanging underneath.