Anenome Question


Active Member
Ok i have a 12 gallon eclipse and i have had it runnin for about two months and i was wonder if i get an anenome would i have to buy a skimmer? Plz give me any info on this.

bang guy

An Anemone would not require you to purchase a Skimmer.
What kind of Anemone? I only know of a few types of Anemone that will work long term in a 12 gallon and I'm guessing those are not the ones you are considering.


I am unfamiler with your 12 gallon eclipse but I am almost sure that i didn't come with proper lighting with it for the survival of an anemone, so with that said could you tell me what kind of lighting your going to provide for an anemone?
I would think that a tank raised BTA might do alright in a 12 gallon, however remember that bad things can happen real fast in a small tank giving you less time to react to the problems. It might be a challenge but it could be done.

bang guy

Thomas probably has more experience with Bubble Tips (BTA) than I do. My feeling is that it will either get too large if you feed it enough or expire from lack of light if you don't.


Active Member
i really want a (BTA) because they are so kool and my tomato host in my feather duster and i want to get something better for him



Originally posted by Asbury030
what should i feed my anenome?

Silver sides if you can get them, plankton, krill, mine will even eat flakes, mysis shrimp, chopped fine cocktail shrimp..etc.
My first attempt at an anemone was years ago with condy's they died. My next attempt was my first BTA in a 55 gallon under 80 watts of Normal output lighting. Poor little fella shrunk down to golfball size over a few months. Upgraded lighting to 380 watts over the 55 and it responded like wild fire, grew to be softball size and then split. Over the course of 3 years now from the one anemone I now have 5 that include a split from one of the daughters. so far I don't run into to many people that can keep any anemone for 3 years but there are a few on this board. Most don't make it during the first year.
Personally I don't feed them very often, others feed several times a week. I figure that they don't nearly get that kind of diet in the wild so I feed sparingly.
It is my opinion that with your lighting that your anemone could use more. I have not used power compacts though so your results may vary.
Look up a pic of a health speciman like you have and keep it on hand to reference with yours. If yours shows signs of decline then you may have to have a plan if you expect to keep it alive.