Angel Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


New Member
I love angels here are mine.
I have a trio of these guys, but can not get all 3 of them in a picture

and my last pair male



Thought I would throw a pick of my angel in here as well. I just ordered a new camera about 10 min ago. So sorry if the pic is up to par with everyone elses. You just dont see may people that have the lemon peels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius

no longer have the queen, and in the process of selling the flame

Nice pic... I thought you could only have one angel per tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mojo46825
Thought I would throw a pick of my angel in here as well. I just ordered a new camera about 10 min ago. So sorry if the pic is up to par with everyone elses. You just dont see may people that have the lemon peels.

Wow, nice pic and fish! Makes me want one
Originally Posted by mojo46825
Thought I would throw a pick of my angel in here as well. I just ordered a new camera about 10 min ago. So sorry if the pic is up to par with everyone elses. You just dont see may people that have the lemon peels.

ahh i love lemon peel angels very pretty is he pick at anything?


My new French Beauty, Just Got him today, way bigger than I expected 11 inches from mouth to the tip of his streamers.



it's a 240 tall 6ft by 2 ft by 30 inches tall. Right now he doesn't seem to be too happy kinda laying sideways in the only place he can fully be seculeded. He comes out about once every 40 mins or so, I am stressed more than the fish! I think its a combinition of the fish being a full grown adult living it's whole life in the wild --- all of the sudden your in a 6x2x 2.5 box. I have to scramble tommorow to find rock and all to make him some caves. Good thing is he ate some flake and mysis today and somne leftovers from the puffers dinner. I want to make sure he eats, But he swims sideways alot. I don't know about the swim bladder maybe thats the prob. Anyway I have about 30 fish ( damsels casue the # prob) I have never , NEVER, NEVER had a fish this spectaular. Amyone who has had a french angel please ship in. The Pics don't show the size or beauty of this spectaular fish.
french angels are one of my favorite angel very nice fish. i had a french that would eat from my hand and was really nice . if came in the room he would follow me from tank end to end but no one else .