Another 9-11???


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about an hour ago another plane crashed into a high rise apartment building... today is 10-11...


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Originally Posted by brucewrs
Registered to the NY Yankees...
owned by a Yankee Pitcher... Cory Lidle...


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the question would be...........what on earth happened for him to crash into a 50 story building with an instuctor on board??


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Originally Posted by schneidts
on 911 thet said they foung the terrerists passport and thats how they knew who they were dealing with but there were no bodies or anyy part of the plane . i thuoght u were making a joke


Active Member
He crashed cause of problems with the plane. They said he flew around the statue of liberty like 4 times and then banked into the condo complex.


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Originally Posted by reefreak29
i thuoght u were making a joke
Nope, I had just heard that on cnn, confirming it was him on the plane, and thought it was worth adding in reply to ruaround's post.
Originally Posted by ruaround

owned by a Yankee Pitcher... Cory Lidle...