Another dang algae question...

aztec reef

Active Member
I would replace your bulbs ,Do a 50% waterchange, Run carbon, Run phosphate sponge, after a few days i would do a 25% water change followed by the regular 10% weekly water changes . I wouldn't worry about calcium right now.
My only worries would be doing water changes and doing the rest to get the Nitrates & Phosphates down.
You got to get used to regular ro/di water changes so that levels don't accumulate.


Active Member
I did another water change today, just 6 gallons though. So that makes 22 gallons of water changed so far (which is about half...actually 40%, but I don't really have 55 gallons of water due to all the rock and sand).
I plan on changing around 10 gallons on Tuesday next week and then 5 gallons every Monday after that. Would that be OK? My RO/DI water tests fine.
I'll be changing the bulbs probably next week (that's when the paycheck comes in, and there's 6 bulbs I'll need to get!). I'll also look into phosphate and nitrate sponges. Do they run in filters, or could I potentially just place them in my overflow or drop them in the fuge? If not, I'd have to invest in another filter.


Active Member
You can drop them anywhere you like as long as they get good water flow.
How old are your RO/DI filters/membrane? What is the TDS of your freshly made RO/DI?


Active Member
The filters in the RO/DI unit were just replaced last week after my kitchen was remodeled. (The builders had to move my sink to a different wall because the way it was designed was just...stupid) And I'm not sure what TDS is?


Active Member
TDS = total dissolved solids
You want to keep it as close to zero as possible; you can buy a decent meter for under $20.


Active Member
My nitrates are going down. :cheer: They went from horribly high (test kit turned dark red...) to still high but better (test kit turned orange...reads about 40) It is still high, but at least the water changes, new powerhead, and constant rock cleaning I've been doing are helping.
Today I am going to get some nitrate and phophate sponges (my phophate is still reading the same at around .5). Are my water params too out of whack to introduce some nassarius snails? I don't have any and I need some to eat all the detritus that I've got. :notsure:
Another may seem basic to you guys, but I need to know. When I use a powerhead to blast the detritus off the rock, I come back an hour later to seea bunch of sand piled on top of the rock. I want my rocks to be clean! Can you give me an easy way to knock the sand (and detritus) off the rocks that won't make sand from the sandbed fly up onto them? :help:
Thanks everyone!!!


Active Member
you can introduce some snails.
try using a turkey baster to blow all the junk off your rocks.


Active Member
I went out to my LFS and bought some nassarius snails...boy, are they enjoying themselves! My sand is already whiter, and I've seen them starting to go up the walls and onto the rocks. But, no to worry, there's plenty of food in there for all of them...unfortunately. Someone else told me it's probably snail poop, because my 5 astrea snails have bred into at least 50 babies...
I also bought a phosphate sponge with a bag and put it in my overflow box. According to the instructions, 1 cup treats 75-100 gallons. I will test again tomorrow to see how it turns out. I'm hoping for at least a small reduction to tell me that it is working. I'll be testing everyday, though.
Tuesday will be my next water change day. I plan on 10 gallons on that day, then my normal 5 gallon change once a week rather than once a month like I had been doing.
Hopefully my water parameters get back to normal soon. I am really looking forward to getting some new corals and fish. There's a new LFS that I went to today (and it's closer to the house than the other ones I was going to!) and they have a wonderful variety of corals that all look really healthy! I'm just looking for some more color in my tank...I'm a little tired of the red and green. I want some yellow, purple, blue, etc...and the same goes for fish too! I was thinking a coral beauty, a couple of firefish, and a royal gramma...or is that too much? I wouldn't be getting them all at once. Maybe one fish per month til I got them all (except I'd get the firefish at the same time). What do you think?
I also want more inverts. I'd like to have a coral banded shrimp, peppermint shrimp, and a purple lobster. Are those good choices, or no?


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
try using a turkey baster to blow all the junk off your rocks.
I'll have to try that! Sounds better than using the powerhead.


Active Member
Nitrates and phosphates are fallling, slowly but surely. My corals are perking up, and my sand/walls/rocks have to be scrubbed less frequently. Thank GOD. :happyfish :cheer: :happyfish
What about those inverts I listed? Would they be good or not? :jumping:


Active Member
Those inverts you listed should be fine, I would wait though until your nitrates are consistently under 20 ppm.


Active Member
:happyfish I did a 10 gallon water change last night. This morning, I tested the water. The phophates are testing at 0. The nitrates are still elevated, but they are also still falling. Today the test read 20. I have also noticed what appears to be DIATOMS on my sand...I took some of my larger astrea snails and moved them to the brown sand, and they thought they were in an all you can eat buffet.
But, is this going to be just like when I cycled the tank...that the diatoms (or diatom-look-a-likes) will go away eventually on their own? Everything else in the tank looks awesome. :happyfish


Active Member
The diatoms will go away on their own after a few weeks: the wild change in your parameters since you started all of these water changed allowed them to bloom again.


Active Member
That's good news. I was thinking of getting a scooter blenny to help with the situation, though. I don't have a fish that stays around the sand right now, and it may make a nice addition to the tank. I also want a coral beauty and a pair of firefish. Those four fish aren't too many, are they? I would get one per month (except I'd get the firefish at the same time) until I had them all.
My nitrates are down to about 15 (the test color is not quite as orange as 20 and not quite as yellow as 10). That means they are still falling. My phosphates have stayed at 0 since the first massive water change. Also, my skimmer seems to be working overtime! I now dump out the cup once a day! But, it is looking more like a beautiful reef again than a dirty lagoon. :happyfish
Please let me know about the fish! I want to start stocking next month (June) after I get those inverts I listed and the water params are stable. :jumping:


Active Member
I think all of the fish are good ideas except the scooter blenny. They usually only eat pods like a mandarin and will eventually run out in most tanks and starve unless you have a really big tank with a ton of live rock.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips! I definetely don't want to starve the poor blenny. Perhaps my other choices plus either a fairy wrasse, sixline wrasse, or royal gramma? I just want some different colors in the tank. All my fish right now are orange (2 percs and 1 tomato clown).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dacia
Thanks for the tips! I definetely don't want to starve the poor blenny. Perhaps my other choices plus either a fairy wrasse, sixline wrasse, or royal gramma? I just want some different colors in the tank. All my fish right now are orange (2 percs and 1 tomato clown).
Any of those three would be a lovely addition.