Another lighting question


I have a 92g. corner tank. Currently have a 192 watt pc on tank. I will be adding more light. My question is do you think if I add another 130 watts of pc light that it would be enough to keep leaters, mushrooms, and zoos? I really don't want mh because I do not want to remove my glass top, (cats, fish jumping) and egg crate does not look very good on corner tank. I think by having a 36" fixture towards the front with a 24" fixture towards the back, that it would light it pretty good. Any thoughts on this would be great.
Thanks, Jeff


Active Member
I think that sounds like a good plan.
FYI they do make a black egg crate, If your only hang up on using egg crate is the look.
I always prefer MH and open top vs, pc's and glass tops.


i agree with birdy. mh is the way to go.... then you can keep alot more types of coral. i to tried the pc thing and everytime i went to the pet store i seen a cool looking coral but needed mh i have a dual250 mh set up with 110 watts actinic and now i can have almost anything i see at the fish store.


But do you think I will be able to keep mushroom and zoos under 320 of pc lights on a 92 corner?

bang guy

Some, not all. If you have rock to get them closer to the lights it will help a lot. The problem is that flourescents lose punch very quickly so a deep tank won't have much light near the bottom.


This my setup with the 192 pc light. Do you think these will be ok under these lights plus another 120 pc? I would like to add a few more maybe up higher in the back when I add the 24" fixture. Any comments?
