Another Marxist official ready to go


Active Member
What is equally stunning is the fact this is the person they would have going after Fox news and your boy Beck. Not that I am a fan of Fox, but if they can't even flame out Beck and Hannity who both do a great job of hanging themselves with no help, how are they going to ever be able to figure out any of the real issues? Have you seen that the right Rev. Sharpton is going after Rush for slander or some such thing? I'll make the popcorn for that one. As always I have zero use for the extremes at either end of the political spectrum and to have Mao as a personnel hero and bragging about it at some gathering of smug far leftists in front of a camera is the definition of epic failure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
What is equally stunning is the fact this is the person they would have going after Fox news and your boy Beck. Not that I am a fan of Fox, but if they can't even flame out Beck and Hannity who both do a great job of hanging themselves with no help, how are they going to ever be able to figure out any of the real issues? Have you seen that the right Rev. Sharpton is going after Rush for slander or some such thing? I'll make the popcorn for that one. As always I have zero use for the extremes at either end of the political spectrum and to have Mao as a personnel hero and bragging about it at some gathering of smug far leftists in front of a camera is the definition of epic failure.
That was a high school graduation ceremony.
I agree with the extremist stuff. I think Beck is more of a Kook but he is really pointing out a lot of issues I absolutely agree with.
Rev Al vs. Rush. That's a PPV I'd pay to see. Sharpton might want to be careful, I don't think he want's to be explaining some stuff he has done in the past in open court.


Active Member
That was a high school graduation?
I guess there must not have been time in the program for her to get around to the virtues of Stalin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Scary times folks...

The thing I worry about is we have a whole generation that doesn't realize how bad Communism is. When I see kids with Che Gavara (SP?) on their T shirts I just want to slap them and say "Read a serious history of the man you are idolizing".
In one of his books Obama wrote about seeking out Marxist professors when he was in college. I just can't believe someone like that, with many communist/marxist influences and associations in his life that he even won the Democrat primary, let alone the general election. Scary times indeed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
yeah, and Rev. Wright had no influence on his life in 20 years...
Hey, you know what. Wright might not have influenced him but you weren't going to sit and listen to that $#!^ over 20 years if you didn't believe what he was saying.
During the election the Obamites claimed that and all his associations with Marxists didn't matter and was a non issue. Now we have a president appointing known Marxists to government posts and Obama's foreign policy has the same tone as Wright's sermons, America is wrong, at least until the Ossiah graced the oval office.

angler man

Originally Posted by Fishtaco
What is equally stunning is the fact this is the person they would have going after Fox news and your boy Beck. Not that I am a fan of Fox, but if they can't even flame out Beck and Hannity who both do a great job of hanging themselves with no help, how are they going to ever be able to figure out any of the real issues? Have you seen that the right Rev. Sharpton is going after Rush for slander or some such thing? I'll make the popcorn for that one. As always I have zero use for the extremes at either end of the political spectrum and to have Mao as a personnel hero and bragging about it at some gathering of smug far leftists in front of a camera is the definition of epic failure.

Taco, what are your beliefs anyway. You say you are a conservative? Is that right?
Also, what do you mean Beck hangs himself?
I'm actually curious on your views, no underlining agenda here.


Active Member
I was a moderate Republican which I guess would mean I am very fiscally conservative, support term limits, strong military, strict crime enforcement etc. and socially moderate. I left the GOP a few years back because I absolutely believe the that it has been taken over by far-right and when I hear Huckeebee say that he has no problem changing the constitution to reflect a more Christian nation I see that as a step away from democracy towards a religious theocracy. I also don't like those on the far-left any better, because much like the GOP gives lip service to family values and then falls far short of the mark, the Dems consistently portray themselves as caring for people as they stuff lobby money into their pockets, with health care being a good example. Lately I have liked a lot of what Ron Paul is saying although I think he goes a little far sometimes. So after all that, I would call myself a moderate independant, because there is no room for me in either party really and I will be looking at third party options a lot more seriously next election. As far as Beck goes, well just review his little episode he had when he went and had a surgery, then compare it to what he is saying now and that should be reason enough to understand why I don't like these people who make a living everyday off of fear.


Active Member
I dunno where you people get your information regarding who is controlling the Republicans. I bailed in the late 90's because I am sick and tired of the RINO's calling the shots. I've seen it over and over where conservative candidate, be they social or fiscal conservative get hosed by the powers that be who think you have to run a "moderate" to win.
Bush was no conservative, McCain?
Huckabees talk of being a more religious nation doesn't bother me because it would take a constitutional amendment(s) to do it. What I like about him is he actually thinks about questions and doesn't give out canned answers. That was way refreshing in the last election. I think he was probably the smartest person in the race.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I dunno where you people get your information regarding who is controlling the Republicans. I bailed in the late 90's because I am sick and tired of the RINO's calling the shots. I've seen it over and over where conservative candidate, be they social or fiscal conservative get hosed by the powers that be who think you have to run a "moderate" to win.
Bush was no conservative, McCain?
Huckabees talk of being a more religious nation doesn't bother me because it would take a constitutional amendment(s) to do it. What I like about him is he actually thinks about questions and doesn't give out canned answers. That was way refreshing in the last election. I think he was probably the smartest person in the race.

The media actually got McCain the nod for the run at the big desk.
Simply put...he was beatable.
For what it's worth/not worth. I liked Romney. Kinda odd how his religious beliefs got him tossed aside when Obama sat in the Hate Church for 20 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I dunno where you people get your information regarding who is controlling the Republicans. I bailed in the late 90's because I am sick and tired of the RINO's calling the shots. I've seen it over and over where conservative candidate, be they social or fiscal conservative get hosed by the powers that be who think you have to run a "moderate" to win.
Bush was no conservative, McCain?
Huckabees talk of being a more religious nation doesn't bother me because it would take a constitutional amendment(s) to do it. What I like about him is he actually thinks about questions and doesn't give out canned answers. That was way refreshing in the last election. I think he was probably the smartest person in the race.
I love it, fishtaco would have me believe that far right wingers are running the party. Has he watched what has happened over the last 8 years...


Active Member
Think about this. For the better part of 6 years there was a Republican president with his party in control of the house and senate. In all that time
Not even an attempt at passing paycheck protection or right to work
Funding for the NEA and Public Broadcasting increased
Overall spending increased
Expansion of the Department of Education
Expansion of Medicare
Expansion of CHIPs
What exactly is "right wing" about that?
I am not even right wing but none of that would have happened if I was at the switch.


Active Member
Hey, you guys asked my politics and I tried to give an honest answer. Like I said, I have no worries about fiscal conservatism, it is the "other" extreme that I don't like much and would cite the funny business that goes on with C-street and the family as an example and the worst thing is that kind of stuff has nothing to actually do with religion, but everything to do with corruption and greed in the name of religion.
Reefraff, I listened to a pretty interesting interview yesterday about how even Reagan was not considered conservative enough by the powers that be when he first started running for president. It was on the Lars Larson show and I was also busy mowing my pasture so I did not catch the guys name or name of the book. I also agree that Huckebee is a good person, I just believe that when you start talking about changing the constitution for religious purposes, that should be a huge red flag in a canidate for president. Same goes for when Palin was talking about following God's plan in Iraq in front of her church. Just not the type of government I am looking for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
Hey, you guys asked my politics and I tried to give an honest answer. Like I said, I have no worries about fiscal conservatism, it is the "other" extreme that I don't like much and would cite the funny business that goes on with C-street and the family as an example and the worst thing is that kind of stuff has nothing to actually do with religion, but everything to do with corruption and greed in the name of religion.
Reefraff, I listened to a pretty interesting interview yesterday about how even Reagan was not considered conservative enough by the powers that be when he first started running for president. It was on the Lars Larson show and I was also busy mowing my pasture so I did not catch the guys name or name of the book. I also agree that Huckebee is a good person, I just believe that when you start talking about changing the constitution for religious purposes, that should be a huge red flag in a canidate for president. Same goes for when Palin was talking about following God's plan in Iraq in front of her church. Just not the type of government I am looking for.
Partially agree. I am a Evangelical Christian but I understand the FACT I can't force my religion on others, that is the difference between me and a lot of Muslims and secularists out there

What I look at is if someone has their religion placed in the right context. I don't care what they might say standing in church, it's church!!! If they were to say "I decided to alter our trade agreement with Chad because they are a Muslim nation" I would be worried. Huckyberry doesn't concern me, Romney doesn't concern me and I wont go into what I think of his religion. Huckabee should tone it down a bit if he is going to run for president again just from a purely public relation standpoint because he needs to draw in support from people who fear religion but want a common sense conservative to be elected.


Active Member
This is what I don't get, (and I'm not making fun of you this time) this country was founded by christians. It is part of our heritage and culture. (they aren't perfect but who is?)
Even today, Obama went to a "church" (a term I'll use loosely) for political reasons.
The much maligned christian conservative makes up something around 30% of Republicans. That is a HUGE demographic, and Republicans seem embarrassed to be getting their vote.
Today 75% of Americans claim some sort of Judeo-Christian affiliation...
Yet for some reason, when a republican is actual a practicing christian, everyone flips out.
To me this is what gets me, it is an underlying argument that unervo is saying, why do what is right? And if there is no absolute morality, he kind of points to government. and I don't believe without religion there is morality.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishtaco
I was a moderate Republican which I guess would mean I am very fiscally conservative, support term limits, strong military, strict crime enforcement etc. and socially moderate. I left the GOP a few years back because I absolutely believe the that it has been taken over by far-right and when I hear Huckeebee say that he has no problem changing the constitution to reflect a more Christian nation I see that as a step away from democracy towards a religious theocracy. I also don't like those on the far-left any better, because much like the GOP gives lip service to family values and then falls far short of the mark, the Dems consistently portray themselves as caring for people as they stuff lobby money into their pockets, with health care being a good example. Lately I have liked a lot of what Ron Paul is saying although I think he goes a little far sometimes. So after all that, I would call myself a moderate independant, because there is no room for me in either party really and I will be looking at third party options a lot more seriously next election. As far as Beck goes, well just review his little episode he had when he went and had a surgery, then compare it to what he is saying now and that should be reason enough to understand why I don't like these people who make a living everyday off of fear.
So, what about the Cap and Trade ( tax) for the "feared" Global warming (climate change or whatever they call it this week)?
Al Gore is pulling much more out of my pockets than Beck ever will.
Al Gore will get us globalized, through fear, not Beck.