Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Active Member
snail, the tank has to cycle, no other way..... give the snail to your LFS and tell them you want him back in a month


Will the tank cycle with the snail in it? or do I have to remove him from the tank or will he just die while it cycles?


Alright so I was checking out my tank tonight, looking at my rocks and noticed I have these plants on the rock, they come out of tube looking things attached to the rock, when they come out they look like flowers but are sensitive so if I tap on the glass or make a sudden movement they hurry up and go back inside.
Ive been watching these things since I bought the rock.
But tonight I noticed a hell of a lot of movement inside the tank, the snail is still moving all around the rocks and I have these little critters running around on the rocks going inside then coming back out then going back into another hole its crazy I was wondering if this was a good thing or a bad thing because like we all know here. I am still very very new to this.


Active Member
sounds like you have some great stuff in there.the little creatures are pods .great food for fish especially a mandarin.the featherdusters are the tubes.since you dont have fish to scare.wait till one comes out the knock on the glass they should retrack back into the tube.
if these pods are around you might want to see if the ammonia has gone and turned to nitrites or nitrates .pods usually die easy in bad water.since your rock seems so good it might have been well cured when you got it and you might not even get a cycle.
how long has this tank been running now?


The tank has been running for a little over a week now, the raw piece of shrimp and live rock was put in on Jan 5th, I tested my water yesterday but everything seemed to be 0. I will do a full check of everything here today and repost to let you know.


Tests results are:
Amonia - .50
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate -0
Ph - 8.0
Water temp is roughly 75 F
Filter has been running all day everyday and I am shopping for power heads, any suggestions for my 30 gal would be appreciated.


Im not sure what you mean by a couple of nanos? and I will look into ordering a couple of Korilia # 1's tonight, any suggesstions on websites to order through?


Active Member
oops,i checked and this place sells them.seem to be a good price .i didnt know they sold them here.
they arent numbered here only ghr.dont let the gpr fool you on those they seen like alot but the water is not just going foward on these pumps they get disperced in all directions.maybe get a couple of the 450 gph pumps.
sorry mods ,wont happen again


I was also wondering what to do for a clean up crew. I was reading hermit crabs were good for that but what else is ok to go with them? also how many should I get and where should I get these from? My LFS doesn't have much of a fish selection so I will be ordering most of my stuff online.
Here are the hermits I am going to order ---
Here is the shrimp I will order ---
Is this the powerhead you were saying from SWF???
Here are the nerite snails I will order ---
And last but not least these will be my astrea snails ---
When my tank finishes its cycle, will that be an ok CUC? Or should I be looking into a few other things as well?


Active Member
yes thats the ph
the snails will be good,i wouldnt get any hermits ,the snails do a better job at the hermits might kill the snails for their shells.
maybe get an emerald crab they are cool.
a cleaner shrimp will be nice also..


Hey DeeJeff I was also wondering if I should leave the raw shrimp in there for now or take it out? As as you said I will ditch the hermits and grab an emerald, another question is how many of each of those should I buy? how many cleaner shrimp, can I get 1 for now and a couple more later on?


Active Member
how long has the shrimp been in there.if it is decaying i say take it out.
have you gotten an ammonia reding yet?
for a 30 gallon i would just get one shrimp and emerald.maybe another shrimp later but the emerald will get around the tank eneough by himself.i have 3 in my 250 reef and they are always working.


The shrimp has been in there for a week today, Once the cycle is done I will buy the Emerald, and a Cleaner Shrimp. I just tested my water for the day and my readings are...
Ammonia - .50
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
pH - For some reason is a little low, 8.0
I need a way to get a hold of you easier since you are answering most of my questions. :)


Active Member
if you are showing ammonia take the shrimp out.
then start testing everyday.the ammonia will convert to nitrite within a few days.then when that converts to nitrates wait untill the nitrates are 40 or below and then you are good to go.
i seen you keep your salinity at 1.002. do a water change and bring it up to 1.025 .this should bring up the ph to 8.2-8.4
also you need to have a ph in there for the top of the water to ripple a bit.usually a good way to do this is put the ph halfway down the side glass and point it up a bit.this helps in gas exchange and will help with the ph.


Alright once it cycles I will go ahead and do a 20% water change, order and add in the crab and shrimp and let it run for a week or so before adding fish in?