Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


I was also thinking of getting some clowns once I get a couple weeks to gather some cash, the ones I was thinking of were the
Also I was wondering of these clowns will go along with any tangs, like say
And also maybe
So lets say in two weeks, I order that reef pack above or one similar... Then two weeks or so after that I order 2 false percula clowns, 1 blue hippo tang and 1 yellow tang for starters, would those all go well with each other or no? This is of course with the damsel NOT in the tank.


Active Member
+1 to that no tangs .they become extremely aggressive in a small need to look at fish that get to 2-3 inches max. size


Alright I will think about getting tangs when I move on to a bigger tank, which are the fish I would be able to keep in my 30, I would like to start out with 2 or so then get roughly around 8 or so.


Active Member
no tangs they just need alot of room to swim and rockwork to hide.most will say at least a 6 foot long tank but i had some small ones in a 90.but a 30 is way too small for even one.8 fish in a 30 gallon is still too many imo.saltwater fish arent like freshwater where you can just pile them in there.i would think 5 or 6 fish is about the limit.
the false percs would be a good with you having crushed coral this will bring your choices of fish down some.
i have to get out the door but i will look to see about some options of fish later today.


Active Member
Some things to take in consideration when choosing fish:
1) The size and dimensions of the tank. Fish like tangs like to swim in open areas so they would thrive more in a tank that has more length for them to swim in.
2) The substrate. If the substrate is crushed coral then you have predetermined that your tank will not house sand sifters.
3) The rock work. If you like fish like the royal dottyback, do you have rock work for the fish to hide in?
4) Have you done enough research on the fish that you are interested in adding?
5) What else is in the tank? Will they get along?
6) Is the fish good for my setup?
These are a couple of things that I would take into consideration when choosing my first fish. Now for your tank, I would go with about 5 fish maybe a pair of clowns, a purple firefish or bi color blenny, and maybe a dottyback.


Active Member
looks like a nice list.the one thing that blows about this hobby is you cant just buy any fish that looks cool.there are alot of fish that just cannot be put together.
i sacrificed having an angel when i decided to turn my 250 into a really cut your selection in half when you go reef.but i love my corals.
you should start looking at fish and get a good list of 10 or so then post them.we can help with the selection and order to add.
most of us here that have been at this for years probably had most of the fish out there.


Well I will for sure be getting two clowns, a royal dottyback and that purple firefish looks pretty cool as well. Now lets say i still order that reef package, what else can i add to the tank besides more LR? adding corals down the road ok? or only if i have good lights? what anemones can i put in here and what will they help with? and what are anemones?


Active Member
an anemone is actually an animal with a digestive system.personally i wont get another one .years ago mine got stuck in a ph and nuked the tank.i lost almost all my they never sit still.they might stay in one place for a couple months then move to the back of the tank where you dont see they will move around and sting the other corals.also most people want to have one so their clowns play in them but,the clowns dont always host its a coin toss.
you can get mushrooms and polyps without big lights.
look at a flame hawk fish i love mine he is always trolling around the rock.


Thats a cool lookin guy, so when would you say i should order that reef pack? and before adding it to the tank should i take out the damsel?


Active Member
i would say anytime.the damsel wont bother the cuc.if you do plan on a flame hawk make sure you put the shrimp in first.try to get a bigger shrimp.hawks sometime eat shrimp.none of mine never have but i have read about it.putting the shrimp in before the hawk hawk travels all over my 250 reef he perches on everything he will swim up to the ph and sit there for a few seconds then dives to the rock then looks around then off to the next place.alot of fun to watch.


Alright so I have been watching my tank and testing it every day or so and keeping a log. Feeding the fish and I noticed I can finally start to see some algae growing on my glass and things in the tank, I have not ordered my cuc yet due to cash, but will be ordering that in the next few days. I have some pictures to post but am not sure how to upload them so they show the pic right here in the thread. any suggestions would be nice.


Active Member
if the pics are in your computer .when you hit reply look for the icon to the left of the camera on it .it will say add it.then click brouse it shoud get you to your pictures.then double click on the pic you want.then hit submt.


Alright obviosly my tank went through a mini cycle when I added that damsel, hes been in there since the 17th of Jan. I didnt see any algae growing on the glass then but over the last week there has been a huge breakout on the glass of algae. I am getting ready to do a water change as well and just ordered my cuc from //// Ill take some photos now and post them.


Here is the algae

Here is another shot of that

Now I have this plant type of thing growing on some of my LR, here is a shot of that if anyone knows what it is.....


I am trying to order this cuc tonight for my tank but for some reason its not letting me get the free shipping on the order, anyone have any ideas?
i am not completely sure what is growing on your LR however it does look like a toadstool leather coral. if that is true than you already have your first coral and might wanna invest in some better lighting to keep it alive. any way you can get a clearer picture?


I didnt buy the coral lol it must have came with the LR but my damn camera cannot focus in enough to get a better pic. if I get that cuc will that green algaae go away?