Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.

You should look up a toadstool leaher coral. And see if that is it. Also the cleanup crew will most likely get rid of the algea, not all of it but most


Active Member
looks like polyps .i have a huge 8 by 10 rock covered with them an d they have spread to other rocks.they are nice for a free be.


Yeah there cool looking things, they are pretty like a purple / light pink color. then I also have some of those long white tube looking things that open like a flower all over my biggest piece and they keep growing everyday, well there tube does, not sure what they are either but eh im learning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///forum/thread/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/80#post_3356781
I am trying to order this cuc tonight for my tank but for some reason its not letting me get the free shipping on the order, anyone have any ideas?
Did you put in the coupon code "freeship"? BTW, orders over 99.99 are shipping free with no coupon code.


Active Member
Hmm, it says that coupon has expired. You can call them in the morning or you can just add 10.01 and get free shipping.


BUT the cleaner pack he is ordering says free shiping cause it is from the freeship store.....there is no deadline for that


Exactly my point. I would like that one though but just dont want to pay the extra for shipping, im a cheap ;)


Active Member

Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/100#post_3356954
BUT the cleaner pack he is ordering says free shiping cause it is from the freeship store.....there is no deadline for that

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Quick question on the acclimation process here, I have 7 bags that came in the reef pack, am i supposed to acclimate them seperate? all in seperate containers?
if you are going to float them they can all go in together if you are dripping them, i suppose you can put them together... i would just float them for 2 hours


Active Member
i would float the bags of snails and crabs for a half hour then put my hand in the bags and toss them in.try to keep the water from the bags to the dt at the shrimp i would put in a bucket with the bag water and dump a few cups of dt water in every half hour for a few hours.people think shrimp need more acclimation time.imo i have done it this way and also just floated the bag to temp them just added .never really had a problem.shrimp are more salinity sensitive


Alright atm I have the crabs and snails in seperate buckets. adding water every half or so. The starfish in a seperate adding water every half, and the shrimp in a seperate as well. I didnt want to add anything to the tank but i am floating the snails because they came without water in the bag and the sheet told me to float those =-)


Alright so in that reef pack, is there any special food i need to buy to feed those guys or do they eat the leftover fish food and algae and stuff in the tank? and man o man that starfish has been all over that tank! my damsel was picking on my shrimp when i added him in there for a while but they seem to be fine now.