Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Im not talking about the reef tank I would like to set up, Those fish I am talking about for my already established 30 gallon fowlr.


Alright so my tank has been up for a little while now, and I had a couple questions about this stuff growing on the glass of my tank and something on the substrate as well. I think its just purple coraline algae but I would like to make sure, here are some photos.

Now I was also wondering if I wanted to add some corals, or frags would I be able to with the fish I have in the tank or would you prefer me to start a reef tank for itself.
The fish I currently have in here are a striped damsel, a black clownfish, and a sailfin tang.. I will be adding a flame angel and a yellow watchmen goby once my LFS gets them in for me.
PS. If that is coraline algae in there on the glass, is there a way to clean it off the front glass and leave it on the sides and back? It looks nice but I like to see the front clean.


Active Member
i use a 5 inch wide razor to scrape the purple Coraline off my has them for around $5
yes that is Coraline .actually alot of it .imo this tells me the tank is good for corals.
the red how ever on the sub straight looks like cyno.keep up the water changes and it should go away.


Very nice, now scrapping that off the glass, thats with a metal razor blade? and you can do it while the fish are in there? i am new to all that i thought you couldnt introduce any metal to the for the corals i will keep searching for answers around here but what kind of corals am i aloud to have with fish in the tank already? and thanks for responding so quick jeff.


Active Member
yes a razor blade.i dont know what else will get coraline off glass.i have always used for corals i dont remember what fish you have


Alright cool, ill give the old credit card trick a try and if that does not work ill grab a blade. as for the fish, I have a black clown, a stripped damsel, and a sailfin tang... I was thinking about getting some frags of mushrooms, some leathers, and some zoos... just got off work for an hour to do some research on this then head back to work tonight. Let me know if those are ok with those fish and also do I need to buy a frag rack if im going to put those into my tank?
I found this guy on craigslist I may buy some frags from, he got a nice list of them.


I hear you there Jeff but I heard that you dont want to put any metal into salt water, so the metal on the blade is ok? and the particals wont bother the fish at all?


Very nice, I dont mind the algae on the glass, im keeping the front clean for now but may decide to clean the sides as well and leave only the back covered in the coraline, now another question is how do I go about adding new coraline algae colors? Do I need to buy some LR that has diffrent colors already on it to introduce it to the tank? Also if I added say 3-5 frags of zoos into my tank, do I need to purchase a frag rack so I can hang it on the glass and let the power head blow on them for a couple weeks before removing the rack? I wanted this is be a fowlr tank but it seems im getting very excited about the zoos and shrooms ive seen and may turn this into a reefer.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///forum/thread/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/140#post_3373620
Very nice, I dont mind the algae on the glass, im keeping the front clean for now but may decide to clean the sides as well and leave only the back covered in the coraline, now another question is how do I go about adding new coraline algae colors? Do I need to buy some LR that has diffrent colors already on it to introduce it to the tank? Also if I added say 3-5 frags of zoos into my tank, do I need to purchase a frag rack so I can hang it on the glass and let the power head blow on them for a couple weeks before removing the rack? I wanted this is be a fowlr tank but it seems im getting very excited about the zoos and shrooms ive seen and may turn this into a reefer.
Coraline grows over time. I had only light purple in my tank from live rock. Over the years I now have orange is the color of new growth that will turn red, blue turns to purple...the yellow turns to green. I have all stages and so have all these colors. However the tank changes on it's own, I enjoy it for however long it lasts.
As for put the frag where you want the colony to will spread and be on the plug AND on the rock around it. You don't need to remove the frag from the plug ever. The rack is not really needed except to keep up with a tiny thing until it is large enough to not blow around.
Edit: You must decide if you want to see through the side glass...because once coraline is thick on it, you won't be able to clean it.


Thank you Flower, I found a guy on craigslist thats selling LR for $3 / pound, Im going to pick up another 20 pounds for my tank since I only have about 6 pounds of LR in there atm. I started my tank with 6 pounds LR and 15 pounds base rock, but after the little time I have had it, its already turning into some very nice LR. I am thinking Im going to clean the sides as well since the front is so clear cleaned up. I was also wondering if I needed an overflow box to make mine into a reef tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MMyuki http:///forum/thread/382927/another-new-guy-to-the-hobby-need-suggesstions/140#post_3374118
Thank you Flower, I found a guy on craigslist thats selling LR for $3 / pound, Im going to pick up another 20 pounds for my tank since I only have about 6 pounds of LR in there atm. I started my tank with 6 pounds LR and 15 pounds base rock, but after the little time I have had it, its already turning into some very nice LR. I am thinking Im going to clean the sides as well since the front is so clear cleaned up. I was also wondering if I needed an overflow box to make mine into a reef tank?
Do you have a sump? An overflow is only needed if you do not have a drilled tank or want to drill your tank AND you have a sump. I was told by a LFS that they ONLY way for me to have a true reef tank was to have a drilled tank with a sump. This is not true, since I have flourishing reef tank with no sump. I do have to be very mindful of my tank maintenance.


Gemmy thanks for getting here so fast. I do not have a drilled tank or a sump, but would like to maybe add some corals to my tank that I have right now. I want to add some zoos and mushrooms, my lighting should be fine for those but would like to make sure I dont need anything that I dont have before I buy them and to make sure its ok to have them in this tank with the fish I do have.


Alright since I bought this LR I have noticed this piece of something on it, it has been growing ever so slowly but Im not sure what it is and it does not have anything coming out of it, just looks like a piece of gum stretched on the rock but has now grown a ledge on it... someone may know what it is here, also in the second picture what is this stuff thats on the rock blowing in the waves?
