Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Pic one looks like it could be a montipora
pic 2 is PSP....Pink star polyps....they grow up from that mat...the mat will spread YAY


Im going to research what montipora is right now, and as for the PSP why do you say yay? I will take it that is a good thing? I have two small pieces of LR with those on it
and its growing!


I say YAY...cause I really like mainly see the green star polyps though...I have both green and pink
IT CAN get outta control....but you can trim it...just cut the mat


I like the way it looks, over time will they get big and grow out to be longer and more colors? Ive had them in my tank since I started it and it has grown slowly but hasnt gotten much longer, I have my powerheads blowing directly on them is that a problem? also since there not growing that fast and if I am correct those are both corals... should I maybe invest in some new lighting and maybe a new top to the tank?


Yes,they are corals.....the montipora may need a little more light (montipora is sps)....the psp should be okay
then again....IDK what lights you have,.....LOL....


Alright I have a roughly 7 month old natural daylight white bulb, came with the tank when I bought it, and I have a 4 month old blue acintic 36 inch 30 watt fluorescent bulb.


Well its nice to know that I have some corals already going in the tank and they havnt died off yet, and there growing! so yes you were right YAY! now I'm going to grab up some zoos this week and some more LR.
Also I know its early but do you have any clue what kind of SPS that is?
Also I have been reading what to feed corals, and it says marine snow... I cannot find a good description of that yet.


just feed your tank....marine snow is garbage....don't polute your tank with it
the sps...I said looks like a montipora...


Ahh alright just keep doing what I'm doing then eh, feeding the fish and watching the tank mature.
Montipora got ya, I was just looking in the store to see what the mature version looks like and didnt see one there. Is my lighting ok for what I have or should I invest in a better setup.


Not sure if the monti will be ok with a pc or not.....I have soem under MH lights, and some under T5's


Alright so a pc light is a power compact light, standing for packing a lot of wattage in a small tube? the lights I have do have two connectors one on each side of the bulb, if I was to purchase a new hood / bulbs for this tank what would you buy if it was you, dont worry about price but dont get carried away with it. I dont mind spending money on this hobby because this is something I have wanted for a long time.


Alright just went to a diffrent LFS to check out there stock, what a place! it was huge... ended up buying a false perc, a green and blue mush frag and a green with orange center zoa frag, heres where I am stumped do I need to take the zoo frag off the plug its on and place is somewhere in the tank? same with the mushroom? help!


Active Member
i keep stuff on the frag plug and cut the stalk off. or i leave it intact and let it growout on the rock and then pull the plug away to sell


Active Member
the sps is really nice .its really neat how it goes from leather to the swayying.mine has doubled in size spreading to other rocks in a its well over a foot i have an 8 inch rock with sps,button polyps and yellow polyps.pretty cool.


Yeah I have it on two of the rocks in the front of my tank right now, both are nearly cover so I may move it up some a bigger rock or just cut some of the mat and move it to the rock. My mushroom I bought has opened up really nice in 5 hours and 90% of my zoos are almost fully opened. Ill post pics shortly.


Alright sorry about the wait for the photos, I'm here and will post now! Alright in the third pic this is some lighting I seen at one of my LFS and was wondering if anyone has them or heard anything bad about them and if that price is ok for them.



Active Member
Leave that lighting. For your money, you can get a better fixture with a better reflector.