Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.


Alright sounds good I was looking into buying a Nova Extreme 8 bulb set up,T5 off someone from craigslist who is parting out there tank and was wondering what should I offer price wise to buy that lighting setup?


Oh it does not say in here post but shes using it for a 72 bowfront tank so probably a 48 inch would be my guess before I call her I want to have a price to offer her, what would you say a 36 inch is worth and a 48 inch is worth being used? and the bulbs are about 5 months old on it.


I tested my water today and my pH has dropped to 7.8 and nitrates jumped to 20, I did a 10 gallon water change and will check again tomorrow, and if there still the same I will do another 10 gallon water change. My pH has been around 7.8 - 8.0 since I started mostly is this a bad thing? if yes how do I raise it a bit without dosing the tank.


Active Member
mine gets to 7.8 once in a while .it self corrects and it depends what time of the day you check it also.20 nitrates is nothing to worry about.of course zero is better dut 20 is no biggie.i have been really wanting to get another tat.i really love the red fade they did.looks like a great job.pretty bad ass tat.


Yeah the artist I go to works at a place called tattoo faction in north olmsted ohio, his name is Dave Wulff been in the scene for 20 years or more and he owns the shop. Thats not a red fade either that is just red soarness hah it will go away in a week or so. I'm going to head to my tank and take some readings real quick


Well pH stayed at 7.8 and nitrates stayed at 20 after the 10 gallon change I did yesterday, should I be worried or just do another 10 gallon change? Also my shroom and zoo frags keep falling off my LR, anything I can use to stick them there?


Active Member
do you have some water movement on the top water?raise the powerhead up the tank some.untill you get a ripple.this will help the ph.i had to move my frags around to find a spot they didnt get blown off.i know they can be glued but i dont bother.i have plenty of places to move them.


I hear you Jeff I will raise my power head a little to ripple the top, and I think I read somewhere I can use super glue gel? I might try that also I need to upgrade my lighting, once I do that I will have much better luck with the shroom, zoas and my sps.


Alright was looking around for a new light strip so I can make my corals happy.
For the money that seems to be ok for me, anyone have any reviews on this item? Plus it has two on/off switches so I could run diffrent configs if I wanted for day/night.


seen a guy on craigslist selling this, 2 36 Inch Toal of 72 in if used together... Aqualight High Output T5 Dual Lamp Fixture 4x39w t5 ho. Perfect for the 180 gallon tank. Only 6 mo old work great Take both for $150 good price for TWO 36" t5s?


Alright I have decided to go ahead and buy a new light fixture instead of buying used.
This is a 4x39 watt 36" T5 HO fixture.
I also just purchased a new chocolate chip starfish yay!

Also just picked up another piece of LR that looked like it would make a good addition to my tank!



I would definitely stay away from those initial lights you posted a pic of. I bought those exact ones in a 48" version for my 60 gallon I'm getting up and running. They've been nothing but problems and the LFS I was going to has been a pain with me trying to return them. They'll be going back tomorrow for sure.
I see you've already apparently gone another route... just thought I'd throw my two cents in there