another one on the books


Active Member
number 712 went over the fence yesterday....
getting excited as we get closer to 715
i think barry will hit 715 just before memorial day.


Active Member
Nothing better then seeing a cheater break one of the biggest records in all of sports…can’t wait to tell my little one all about the wonderful B. Bonds!


Nothing more exciting than getting ahead by cheating.
I hope Barry still thinks it was worth it when he has to explain to his son why he's dying at 50. Ten years from now, an emaciated Barry (just like Alzado) will be on all the stations telling everyone not to make the same mistake. Well, actually, Barry's too big of a meglomaniacal dirtbag to even do that. He'll still act like he didn't know what he was doing.
For all the grief Griffey has taken over the last 5 injury plagued years, at least he can go to his grave (at a natural age) knowing his numbers are real and cant be questioned.
As sad as it is to see him pass Ruth, at least I know that sad, tired, old, broken down body will NEVER allow him to pass Aaron.


Active Member
Yeah, Bonds disgusts me. I will get to see this Saturday against the Phillies and I am going to be rooting against him all day. I hope he strikes out at each at bat.


Active Member
thats ok
nobody brings up the fact that ruth was a raging alcoholic wifebeater.
we dont like to mention that.
my son is one
i cant wait to tell him that i saw # 62 fly over the fence, and how i also saw #715 and #756 fly over the fence.


Active Member
lookin at bond's numbers
they seem very consistent from day 1 even through the roids.
makes you wonder if they even did anything?
i mean, roids really only help your body heal faster, so you can push it farther.
and, on top of it, you can be the biggest guy in the world, but your not gonna put the ball over the fence unless you actually hit it right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
lookin at bond's numbers
they seem very consistent from day 1 even through the roids.
makes you wonder if they even did anything?
i mean, roids really only help your body heal faster, so you can push it farther.
and, on top of it, you can be the biggest guy in the world, but your not gonna put the ball over the fence unless you actually hit it right.

No, they are not consistent.
From 1986 to 1999 he averaged 31.8 homers a season
From 2000 to 2004 he averaged 51.6 homers a season
I agree the guy can play baseball but it's a shame he is such a rotten individual and I hope MLB celebrates none of his records...the guy is racist and a cheater.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
No, they are not consistent.
From 1986 to 1999 he averaged 31.8 homers a season
From 2000 to 2004 he averaged 51.6 homers a season
I agree the guy can play baseball but it's a shame he is such a rotten individual and I hope MLB celebrates none of his records...the guy is racist and a cheater.
not only that, he was a legitimate threat to steal 30+ bases back in the day. steroids slow you down. he's barely even a threat to run down a lazy pop fly these days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Bonds is the Mike Tyson of baseball.
That's unfair to Tyson. Tyson has mental problems and is a loose cannon, no doubt. but he never had to cheat to win. back when he was handled by Gus Amato, there was never a fighter like him, he was an unbeatable fighting machine.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
That's unfair to Tyson. Tyson has mental problems and is a loose cannon, no doubt. but he never had to cheat to win. back when he was handled by Gus Amato, there was never a fighter like him, he was an unbeatable fighting machine.
Yeah, Tyson only lost when he Cheated (Holyfield ear).


His numbers are consistent from day one?!?!?!?!
Have you seen his numbers???
Thats like saying Griffeys numbers have remained consistent over his career, no let down since he went to Cincy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
look at his homers
eyeballing it, it looks pretty consistent, with the exception of his rookie year, 2001 (73), and last year
um, ok. he admitted that he began cheating in 1998 because he was jealous of Sosa and McGwire. so look at the numbers........
from 1986 to 1997, he averaged 31 homeruns per year.
from 1998 to 2004, he averaged 47 homeruns per year.
a 16 homerun increase per year looks consistent to you? and that is not even factoring in that this sudden increase came in his late 30s. there is no way that an aging ball player, after years of physical play, becomes STRONGER 12 years into their career.


Also, the 3 times he hit 40+ pre-98 he played in 159 games each of those 3 seasons. From 00-04, he only averaged playing in 143 games. 16 less games but significantly more homers in his late 30's. Hmmmm, sounds kinda suspicious. Numebers mean nothing though. I dont know how old you are but everyone who was watching baseball in the late 80's knows he is a cheat. He was smaller than me for his entire career, then suddenly hes the incredible hulk with a head the size of a pumpkin.


Active Member
all of them should be on the roids
would make the game more interesting
oh wait... most of them probably are on the roids, so let me retract that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
from 1986 to 1997, he averaged 31 homeruns per year.
from 1998 to 2004, he averaged 47 homeruns per year.

yeah, that doesnt average out now that i look at it closer
my bad


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
thats ok
nobody brings up the fact that ruth was a raging alcoholic wifebeater.
we dont like to mention that.
Ruth's off-field escapades had nothing to with his ability to hit 714 HRs.
Bonds use of the cream, the clear, or whatever has everything to do with MANY of the HRs he's hit in his career.
I'm upset that he'll pass Ruth and likely pass Aaron, but take solace in the idea that post-steriods-era natural sluggers like Pujols and A-Rod have a good shot at passing him up eventually.


Originally Posted by Pontius
not only that, he was a legitimate threat to steal 30+ bases back in the day. steroids slow you down. he's barely even a threat to run down a lazy pop fly these days.

Originally Posted by Pontius

um, ok. he admitted that he began cheating in 1998 because he was jealous of Sosa and McGwire. so look at the numbers........
from 1986 to 1997, he averaged 31 homeruns per year.
from 1998 to 2004, he averaged 47 homeruns per year.
a 16 homerun increase per year looks consistent to you? and that is not even factoring in that this sudden increase came in his late 30s. there is no way that an aging ball player, after years of physical play, becomes STRONGER 12 years into their career.
Although the juice is undoubtedly powering Bonds.
Thats a generalization, look at the olympic sprinter Ben Jonhson and the pitcher Jim Morris.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
Although the juice is undoubtedly powering Bonds.
Thats a generalization, look at the olympic sprinter Ben Jonhson and the pitcher Jim Morris.

Johnson and Morris didn't put on 50 pounds of muscle over a year and a half, Bonds did. maybe I should have put it that way.