Another Stocking Question

ledzep fan

Active Member
Hey everyone, I have talked about this in the Fish Discussion forum but, I was told to ask in this forum. Ok, this is my situation. I have a standered 4' ft. 120 gallon fish tank with these inhabitants
Yellow Tang
Koran Angel
Dotted grouper
Porcupine puffer
Snowflake eel
I recently lost my Lion fish and Marroon clownfish from a hunger strike and geting eaten by my anemone. I was wondering what type of fish would be in the easy to medium difficulty of taking care of range. I was thinking maybe a Tang. All suggestions Welcome!
~The Zep

ledzep fan

Active Member
I was thinking that too because I have a Blue Tang right now and when he got bigger I thought that I would set up another tank for him because I was worried about the Yellow Tang bothering him in the 120. What do you guys think?
P.S Thanks for the reply.
The Zep

ledzep fan

Active Member
It's a Pinstripe wrasse I think. If you scroll down on's fish list and go down to wrasses you will find him. Why do you ask?

ledzep fan

Active Member
Thanks. Yea, I like him a lot too. Pretty easy to keep if you ask me. Eats everything from meaty to lettuce (sp?).


IMO a 4ft tank is too short for an angel of the Koran size. The annularis or blue ring is a few inches smaller so if you really wanted a large angel that might be the better way to go. They are still a very beautiful fish.

ledzep fan

Active Member
What about the tangs though?! The Koran is doing great in the tank. I have had him for about a year and a half. Thanks for the reply!
~The Zep


well the kole tang and yellow are from different families, but they are similar is shape which could be dangerous for tangs. If you currently have a yellow and a blue hippo, even if you plan on moving your blue to a larger tank in the future I would not go with another tang. I would also recommend a wrasse, so many avaliable to you that would probably work it is hard to recommend a specific kind.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Ophiura, all my fish right now are extremely happy. I have never seen agression towards any of the fish except at feeding time. I will be taking back the grouper to the lfs because he is not active at all and never comes out. I know what you are saying when you said the tank is to small for the fish. These fish aren't going to grow huge over night. I do plan on upgrading to a 300 gallon in a couple of years though. Thanks for the help.
~The Zep