Another Tank Build...?


whats your calcium level? I keep gettig mixed responces from hobbiest.
It appears you have great levels...


My calcium levels usually hover around 400 + / - 20.... I try and do a 10 gallon water change per week.
I still don't have as much corraline algae as I like..however tank is only 6mths old I suppose...some tanks on this site are incredibly covered in corraline.!


I like the SPS, however the one from the pic died...and the other one I have doesn't seem to be growing as much as when it first went it. I think the first one died becasue the gobie was irritating it.??


New Member
Any chance you could put up some more pics of your sump setup? I am really interested in the lifereef system but would like to see one in full working order. Thanks


Originally Posted by freeride7
Well I filled it with water and mucking around with the sump and overflow. The tank came with a 1" inlet and a 1- 1/2" durso type standpipe drain.
I cannot seem to get the corner overflows to a constant high level... the water is fluctuating up and down... will not max out to the top and remains about an inch or two from the top. This also allows the water to shoot out of the 1/8" safety siphon break hole and is super noisy. This hole should be just below the water line..
Is this due to not having a perfect siphon? I notice the hoses that take the overflow to the sump kind of gulp the water ...big pockets of air..
Is it a matter of cranking the pump manifold supply line valve wide open?
I haven't finished reading your thread yet, but I ran into this same problem when i set mine up. I have a ball valve on my drain line into the sump which i close ever-so-slightly and it allowed the drain flow rate to match up with my Mag 7 return. This raised the water level just a hair below the siphon break hole reducing the loud splashing noise. I did not let the water level raise past the siphon hole just incase. But it is considerably quieter now since i did this. Hope this works for you too if you have not figured it out yet.