Another year, another missed opportunity


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Well, this week marks the end of yet another semester at my local college that I could have been going to classes, but yet again, something came up and I couldn't. I tried to pay for classes out of my own pocket, but got laid off 2 weeks after classes started, so, of course, I had to drop classes and get back what money I could, since I had no idea how long I'd be out of work. I'll be turning 30 soon and still don't even have an associates degree, so I've been feeling sorta down about the whole thing. I'm a programmer and make a decent salary but I'm only in this field because the work comes naturally, and once you're in the industry with some experience, you don't really "need" a degree, but I'm not happy. I also can't just quit and go back to school full time because I'm a single parent and wouldn't give up my time with my son for the world. It's just frustrating that every time I try to get an education something comes up and I can't. It's mostly money related too...
Anyways, just wanted to complain...heh. Anyone else out there having this much trouble getting any sort of degree?


Active Member
honestly, i don't know if one would help me.
i'm VP at the company i work at, and eventually can own my own branch. I'm happy, healthy, and decently paid--my wife is beautiful, has my first born coming, and decently paid (she's in IT as well).
my house is paid up to may, my cars paid up to june.
i'm alive, eat well enough, and am above the poverty line.
there are things worse out there than not having a degree.


Active Member
have you looked into university of phoenix online? you can get your degree online from your house. I know 2 people who have done it. just a suggestion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
honestly, i don't know if one would help me.
i'm VP at the company i work at, and eventually can own my own branch. I'm happy, healthy, and decently paid--my wife is beautiful, has my first born coming, and decently paid (she's in IT as well).
my house is paid up to may, my cars paid up to june.
i'm alive, eat well enough, and am above the poverty line.
there are things worse out there than not having a degree.
Thanks, that does help. We're healthy, my son is great and we have so much fun together, I'm decently paid (though not quite enough to spend on an education too), and have a great house and car. I just don't really like my chosen profession and do want a change, but it's not the end of the world if that change doesn't happen for a few years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
have you looked into university of phoenix online? you can get your degree online from your house. I know 2 people who have done it. just a suggestion.
That would be nice but they don't have any programs I want. I'm enrolled for a bio track at my local college, and I suppose I could take some of their online courses too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Thanks, that does help. We're healthy, my son is great and we have so much fun together, I'm decently paid (though not quite enough to spend on an education too), and have a great house and car. I just don't really like my chosen profession and do want a change, but it's not the end of the world if that change doesn't happen for a few years.

i was hoping it would help, and that you wouldn't think badly about me for posting it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i was hoping it would help, and that you wouldn't think badly about me for posting it.
Nah, I wouldn't think badly of ya. You helped me put things into perspective. Guess I was having the pre-coffee irrational thought patterns when I realized that it's finals week and a buddy of mine is studying for tests, while I'm just working...heh.


If you know what you want to do and are motivated, sometimes a degree isn't worth it. I work in a field that isn't even in my degree and my job doesn't even require that I have one. On a side note, if its always money issues you could take out loans. I have about $25,000 in student loans but didn't have to start paying back until 6 months after I graduated. It only costs me about $240 a month so its not too bad.


Active Member
Yeah, trying to avoid student loans, if possible....but I have been considering it....not sure that I could get any though, have house, car loan, etc. If I can actually get around to applying there might be some sort of grants or something that I could get.


Active Member
It all depends, I worked my way thru college, only accrued about 5 grand of debt. You could always try to change to a company that offers tuition reimbursment and whatnot. Grants can help but if you are white and are making any money they don't care about you. Usually grants are fairly racist. It is doable but difficult, I know when my folks were working full time and doing their post graduate I never saw them, And that might be the more important question.


what would you do if you went school...sometimes i think a degree is a waste of time and money because 9 out of 10 you are not going to use 98% of the stuff you took while in school then the 2% you learn from actually is important dont get me wrong but i think there is to much emphasis on some things that you do nothing with....unfortunatly for me in order to make money i have to get my PhD or at least finish my masters...just to show that i have the ABILITY to learn which actuall says nothing about a person as a worker...if they are a hard worker then they will catch on to the job quickly....with that said is it possible to take one class at a will take a while but just like dripping water on rocks eventually it will make hole in it


Originally Posted by m0nk
Anyways, just wanted to complain...heh. Anyone else out there having this much trouble getting any sort of degree?
I just recently decided to take some classes.
But I was gonna say to you, instead of planning to "go to school", plan to "go to school with many obsticles".
What I mean is, instead of signing up for spring classes, hold out through this semester, save money in case something happens and take classes in summer.
I have 3 rugrats, so I only signed on for 2 classes. In fall my youngest goes to school and I can put forth more energy, but right now it's pretty touch and go. I sign up and every week, I hope I find the means to make all my classes.
Anyway, I wish you luck. But only take on as many hours as you can afford to make your first priority.
For me, it's only 7.5 a week, but a degree will happen eventually.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I just recently decided to take some classes.
But I was gonna say to you, instead of planning to "go to school", plan to "go to school with many obsticles".
What I mean is, instead of signing up for spring classes, hold out through this semester, save money in case something happens and take classes in summer.
I have 3 rugrats, so I only signed on for 2 classes. In fall my youngest goes to school and I can put forth more energy, but right now it's pretty touch and go. I sign up and every week, I hope I find the means to make all my classes.
Anyway, I wish you luck. But only take on as many hours as you can afford to make your first priority.
For me, it's only 7.5 a week, but a degree will happen eventually.
Thanks, yeah, maybe I'll wait till the boy starts kindergarten....then I won't be spending so much on day care and can put more into school. I definitely agree that it wouldn't be more than 1 or 2 classes per session since I hate the idea of sacrificing time with my son, it's a gift that he lives with me.

My local college does have a great summer class schedule and when I started doing this some 5 years ago I took quite a bit during the summer. I'm just looking forward to a time when I don't have to do this work anymore and can actually be happy making a difference somewhere. The main thing that I really don't like about what I do is that every decision is driven by money, making it or saving it, and our end result is profit, not helping anyone except the owner(s)/stockholder(s). I almost went to work for a hospital in their IT department but they couldn't afford to pay me what I needed, being a single parent I didn't have much flex room to negotiate. Eh well, someday...


I got my master's on line from Tennessee Technological University (my alma mater). It was great. The lectures come via CD, the tests are all online, and the professors are great. At the time I was working as a restaraunt manager so time was a BIG issue. The cost was reasonable since I didn't have to pay out of state tuition.
A lot of universities have on line programs. I would look for ones where you DON'T have to take exams on campus. I have two children so going to campus was not an option. My loans are not that much and I'm much happier now that I'm out of the restaraunt biz. My kids even know who I am now!


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Originally Posted by m0nk
The main thing that I really don't like about what I do is that every decision is driven by money, making it or saving it, and our end result is profit, not helping anyone except the owner(s)/stockholder(s).
well, that is why that company is there, to make money. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise, if they aren't making good decisions financially they aren't going to be there for very long.
If you do online, or correspondence courses, then you do need to make sure it is accredited. A diploma from univerisity of phoenix isn't all that useful.


Active Member
Degrees have different meanings for people. I think if that's something you want then go for it... regardless if you use it or not. Its a goal that is obtainable. If I were you I would look to see if there is any type of aid or scholarship opportunites you could take advantage of. I'm not sure what you are studying but some employers offer tuition reimbursment... Find a job that allows for this...There are several resources for scholorships online... I bet there are some that you qualify for.
Oh, and online courses are usually more expensive.
Oh, and because you are white... don't let that discourage you.... there is aid and scholarships out there ... you just need to find them.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I was considering the tuition assistance with some companies out there but the major obstacle is that I want to change careers completely, and most places only offer the aid for a field-related degree.
As for the company making money, I do realize that's what they do and if we don't make money we won't be around for long. That's part of the problem, I guess, that environment doesn't make me happy. I thought about teaching Biology, or working for a biotech firm or something where I can help people and the world through science...etc etc.

Anyway, the company I work for now is a long distance telephone provider that is splitting off to do Ecommerce with Skin Care products.... how "rewarding" does that sound??


mOnk, as you listen to how difficult it's been for others as well, lament and take a look at what you already have, sometimes there's a reason for obstacles. Years gone by, I was trying to get through school in NYC for commercial photography. First, I was denied a govt. loan cause I made $20 a week too much, then, once I came up with the $$, the price of gas doubled, and they started the gas shortage/rationing, that made the commute to the big city miserable. As if this wasn't enough, there was a silver shortage/monopoly, causing the price of film to double, and I learned that I was going to become a father( now the wife had to quit her job ) My employer (a commercial printer ) promoted me to a foreman, requiring me to work more hours. There were days that I had only 20 minutes to get from central north Jersey to lower Manhattan to be in class, 90MPH on route 80. I was also pushing to get into the pre press dept. at the shop to work with film. Every time I'd find an opening, I'd get promoted in another area. Eventually, 2 years later, I graduated, to watch the prep dept's in all printing companies go from 20 people, to 2 or 3 as digital took over for film. I managed to work as a freelancer for 5 years, but then digital took over there too. I am in a totally different field now. BUT..... I have a beige, embossed, piece of paper with some ribbon, foil, and my name on it. When I see that certificate/diploma, I think back to the days of struggling, and do feel some sense of personal accomplishment. You are taking care of your child, have a good job, etc. Take it slow, if you want that piece of paper, take one step at a time, and treasure your time with your kid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
As for the company making money, I do realize that's what they do and if we don't make money we won't be around for long. That's part of the problem, I guess, that environment doesn't make me happy. I thought about teaching Biology, or working for a biotech firm or something where I can help people and the world through science...etc etc.

Anyway, the company I work for now is a long distance telephone provider that is splitting off to do Ecommerce with Skin Care products.... how "rewarding" does that sound??

Pretty much everything you get is going to revolve around money. Even science is going to have to go after grants and funding. LoL yeah, I'd find a new job. Ecommerce with skin care products. Well I don't know it might be rewarding fixing ugly people.
yeah I'd find a new job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Pretty much everything you get is going to revolve around money. Even science is going to have to go after grants and funding. LoL yeah, I'd find a new job. Ecommerce with skin care products. Well I don't know it might be rewarding fixing ugly people.
yeah I'd find a new job.
I guess that's what it really does come down to; I before I got laid off I was on a track, going back to school. It all got messed up with ending up out of work, and so I got a job that I'm not really happy with just so I could pay the bills. I'll pretty much stop complaining and start looking for a way to be happy with what I do - meaning new job, school when I can, spending time with my son and not worrying about school, etc...heh.