Anthony's nanocube HQI diary


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Originally Posted by Vantec
not really new here just dont talk much, dont really understand why -- is considered a competitor since they dont sell anything like swf does... either way it dont matter to me, info is info no matter where it comes from.
Yea were not for some reason but idk why really
if that's not the rule I apologize also lol but it was very helpful, especially since I actually started at the first page this time hah
I can't see the media basket thing cuz I'm on my iPod but I'll check it out later.
What brand of salt do you guys recommend using for a reef? Just not something crazy expensive please.


Active Member
tropic marin is a favorite of many but pretty expensive. I've switched to reef salt by sea chem and have had good params. the media basket was only a demonstration of what you could do. they make the same stuff for biocubes and nancoubes


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikeSB
tropic marin is a favorite of many but pretty expensive. I've switched to reef salt by sea chem and have had good params. the media basket was only a demonstration of what you could do. they make the same stuff for biocubes and nancoubes
Ok thank you.
I was so exited today I saw a pair of orange spotted file fish about 2 inches long each and they were both were eating frozen!! I was so close to buying them but I know they eat coral. They have been there a while too. Does anyone know what type of coral they eat??
Should I try it you think???
And I picked up some revive coral cleaner:)


Active Member
Also I plan on keeping a lot of acans and acros.
What shoulld I keep all my params at? I'm assuming I'm gunna need to dose alk and mag


Active Member
I dnt know hoelw to do that haha ur the club guy here! This will be a acan/sps/ricordea whores dream tank hopefulyy :)


Active Member
since this is gonna be a 150w tank, i would put the acan lords on the sand bed semi shaded at first, then on the sand bed fully exposed after a week. for parameters, i've been doing
calcium - 520
dkH - 9
mg - 1360
this was before me raising my mag higher. the acan lords also do not like too much flow. just enough flow to get their tentacles out but no direct flow. i've seen alot of people lose a couple of acans just cause of flow


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikeSB
since this is gonna be a 150w tank, i would put the acan lords on the sand bed semi shaded at first, then on the sand bed fully exposed after a week. for parameters, i've been doing
calcium - 520
dkH - 9
mg - 1360
this was before me raising my mag higher. the acan lords also do not like too much flow. just enough flow to get their tentacles out but no direct flow. i've seen alot of people lose a couple of acans just cause of flow
Ok thank you. Will I need to does dkh and mag frequently? With that salt you recommend what are the levels usually?


Active Member
with that salt i get 480 cal, 7 dkh, 1100 mg. but with a 20% change, the params shouldnt change much. I match my dkh, cal, and mg before i do my water change. I'm dosing cal and kh everyday. i check my levels and see what its at. my corals use up about 20 cal ppm a day right now. and that causes my dkh to drop by 1 so I dose every day to bring it back up. an mg between 1300-1500 will help you keep the cal and dkh more stable


Active Member
well that...sounds very confusing lol.
you dose calc and alk daily and then everything in the new water when you do a water change?


Active Member
yes, I test my water before i change it to make sure that the new water has the same parameters for calcium, dkh, and mg. that way its not a sudden shock even though I am only doing a 30% water change


Active Member
ohhh I see now. so mg and dkh are only dosed to get the correct levels from the begining and with each waterchange you add dkh and mg to match your tank levels as to not shock anything.
and you dose the calcium daily because it is constantly being consumed by the corals.


Active Member
niceeeee. thats a lot easier. I thought you were dosing and testing for each every day haha
this is kinda sad. on the second page already and I dont have the tank till tuesday

on a side note i found my camera!!!! yay! nikesb I hear you are the camera guru. are you familiar with the fujifilm finepix z33 wp?? its the waterproof one (in blue


Active Member
lol no i'm not. best advice i can give you is to toy around with your camera! thats the best way to learn it. I do dose and test every day for my tank. I just dose about 20 ml calcium and 7ml of soda ash for dkh. but of course you have to check your water everyday until you know how much your tank is using up


Active Member
ok thats what I thought lol ill try doing what you told nissan to do with his camera.
do you use up tht much dkh a day??


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How is oceanic sea salt? Has anyone used it? I mean I do but my boss says it sucks for a reef. Should I keep usingnit or swich, what do you guys think?