I could meet you in Albany, NY with a 75 gallon if you pay pal me up front. I have a
75 gallon glass tank w/ black trim
glass canopy tops
black strip light
protein skimmer
refugium system that includes a rubbermaid tub, overflow, return pump, plumbing, macro algae for a healthier system
1 power head
125 lbs live sand
several nassarius snails
amphipod population
I'll throw in a nice size piece of live rock to kick off the cycle when you get the tank home
Everything you need for a great running system. This tank has been running about 1 year. I have 2 tanks and want to down size to 1.
All the above for $500
I will add a 260 watt coralife light. 2x 65 watts 10000k and 2 x 65 acitinic for $100 more