Any Chicago Trader?


Hey guys,
I was wondering for us Chicagoan are willing to get together once ever 3 months sorta thing to do some trading.
Please let me know who are all the chicagoan reefer or saltwater junkies here and perhaps we could get acquinted.
Let us know what you have and what you may possible want to get rid of or looking for.
Please dont forget your email address too.
i will post some pictures hopefully today when i am done taking some pictures.
Take care


Hey Fever.
There's use to be a Chicagoan subject i posted way way back , but since they revamped the site, i think all of the old messages is all gone.
Anyhoot, i'm looking for some live rocks and clean up grew and lownmower/algae blenny if anyone has any to trade.
and ofcourse always looking for some corals
I have few extra things i am not using.
- 4wt UV with bulb about 5mo old
- 3 brand new ballasts
- magnetek - handles up to 60wt 8foot slimline
- advance - handles 2x112wt 96" (two of them)
- 5/6 x-10 remote modules
- 3x eltronic kangaroo dosers
- pinpoint salinity monitor
- 500wt titanium heater with no contoller
- 3/4 full bucket of red sea salt
- 2 tripp-lite powerverter (convert car batteries to ac outlets(brandnew))
- (brandnew) CMT 1000wt generator.
i have many more stuff, just cant think of any


Sounds good to me. I live in New Lenox,Il. I have a lawnmower if your interested. I asso have a sailfin tang need to get rid of.


I'm from the southside of chicago, I'm also looking for an algae blenny, plus a kole tang would be nice. Hey Oakraider what size is the algae blenny? Does yours eat hair algae? Well I'm interested if you can't work something out with junbug.
I have corals, I'm willing to move a sun coral (tubeastrea). Willing to move a branching frogspawn frag (green with purple tips). I also have a yellow leather fiji, soon to be fragged and a branching hammer (green) that has seven heads, so I guess it can be fragged also (not sure, though).


The blenny is about 3.5 inches long not that big he eats all algae. Got any pics of the corals they sound nice!!!!!!!!!!!


have a couple colt corals about 2 to 3 inches, willing to trade for anything


Just got home and it's pretty late but i'll try and take pics tomorrow while everything opens up. I'll try and take a pic of the sun coral since it's a nocturnal coral.


Hey Junus. Saw your message on my other thread. I would like to join everyone. I want to see your 20 or 30 tanks. LOL. I will e-mail you soon. Busy tonight. Hope all is well. How do you like the new house?


I was thinking of getting together every first sunday of every month we should get together at someone's house and bring your frags or what not and trade off. I could host if needed. I live in wheaton or we could alternate to those who'd like to host on one saturday and show off their tanks :D
let me know if you'd all be interested and give me your thoughts.
Since the first sunday of this month is already passed, i was thinking for the 21st for this month at my house say noon?
and starting the following month would be april 4th and so on.


where you been man? long time no see. house moved started to settle. hope to see you again soon.
take care


Busyier than you can imagine at work. Its starting to slow down now. I am starting to have a life again. Tank has recovered from the bad crash and is doing well.