Any fish tank service in NJ?


I just bought a new tank online and had it delivered. It is an 88 gallon bow front, drilled with an overflow box and a sump in he bottom. This is my first tank, and there are no instructions that came with it. Are there any people/services that set up new tanks? I'm not all that handy, and am nervous about setting it up wrong and having leaks/problems later. I am in the Ocean County area of NJ, so if you know anyone or where to look, that would be great.
Thank you,
Tom Clark


absolutely fish in clifton nj will. I dont know how far you are from there but they are one of the best lfs ive ever been to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by n8ball2013
absolutely fish in clifton nj will. I dont know how far you are from there but they are one of the best lfs ive ever been to.
I know that may be a little bit of a haul, but they're the only LFS in NJ I've seen so far that I'd trust with more than a goldfish.


you will see fish there that you would be hard pressed to see anywhere else.
hawaiian dragon eels clarion angels snowflake clowns etc etc etc


I am not in NJ I am in FL but if you would like to call me I can help walk you through the whole set up process. Send me an IM and I will give you my phone number.