Any Issues With Using A Bubble Wall In A Marine Aquarium?


I am thinking of installing a bubble wall behind my live rock for aesthetics.
Are there any issues with this in a Marine Aquarium?


Active Member
In addition, if it gets caught up in powerheads they get chopped up super fine, and can make the tank look cloudy.
I also don't recommend them for tanks with corals.


I've heard that very fine bubbles can get stuck in fishes gills causing them to suffocate. True?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RyanLee
I've heard that very fine bubbles can get stuck in fishes gills causing them to suffocate. True?
I've heard this somewhere also... seems like it came from a authoritative source also, but danged if I can remember...
IME, it might also cause fractionation leaving you with a horrid scum on the surface of the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
i heard it causes popeye...
Can't imagine how... popeye is caused by poor water quality... but when in Rome...


Active Member
Ive seen it on a lot of large tanks and generally fish only. I guess some people just like the look. It serves no real benefit to the tank so I dont see the point. If you really want one get one with larger bubbles and as stated keep it away from powerheads.


just put you a hang on protein skimmer and adjust the airflow, that is what I do. I still think that it gives the fish more oxygen due to the exchange at the surface. So if you like it, go for it.


I've heard the same thing, about the bubbles suffocating the fish and/or giving them pop-eye. They do not recommend it for SW tanks at any of my LFS'.


somewhere on here I heard it burns their gills... dont know if its true or not.


Active Member
I've heard all of the above with the exception of it causing popeye. Never heard of it causing this. However, I think this is a fad left to Freshwater aquariums. The amount of saltcreep it will get all over the place is not worth it. I get a ton of saltcreep on my lights from my skimmer and it has all but ruined them. Stay away from the bubble wall!


Active Member
I agree with the salt creep issue, it is incredible how fast it will encrust everything on the top of the tank