Africa is a huge potential oil source and has several major proven fields and ongoing exploration by several major oil companies. So that hasn't helped much. Must always keep your bribe money in hand to try and do the work and stay alive. So it is a microcosm: the same issues that are the true plague in Africa on a smaller scale.
We've donated billions upon billions of dollars, not to mention debt relief, most of which ended up in the hands of or benefit of corrupt African leaders. Tribal hatred and wars still dominate in much of the region and who cares if you are able to starve out your enemy and their is an extremely effective way to win. Don't have to spend much on an army. No amount of money will change beliefs like that.
How about this? How about having your rock concerts in beautiful Uganda and Namibia and take pretty pretentious little rocker people to the source. Someplace other than South Africa. These little preachy things who are probably back stage throwing temper tantrums at what the caterer dared to serve them while preaching about waste and starvation and our role in it. May lure a few thousand people there to really see things. To really see potential and the waste and the true source of problems. Its easy to put money where your mouth is...try putting your feet there instead. Visit beautiful Zimba
e...give Mugabe a hug for me and a promise of a few more million dollars on his way. I wonder if these politicos are just THRILLED to know these concerts are going on. Several must be booking their next holiday waiting for the money to roll in. Grants or not, people hand out bribes for their lives.
Its like a ***** easy to blame the big company/countries/religions (as the Catholic church is getting much of the blame for the AIDS crisis there). So easy to ignore what they've done in the past to try and change things and keep blaming. Maybe if that tune changed people would pay more attention. For me it is the same song I've heard for a long time. Its my fault, its my governments fault...yadda yadda yadda. I've got no problem with giving money or taxmoney to good causes, I've got no issue sending in our troops for good causes, its not a democrat/republican, rich/poor issue.
It is a failure of those at the root of the problem in Africa to desire change and demonstrate acceptance of responsibility.
A bunch of rock stars, or even the G-8 countries with the best of intent, won't solve that problem without African leaders accepting responsibility. Somehow I don't think my name on a petition will change their minds, but I guess it won't hurt either. Just be honest with yourself as to the source of the problem...IMO, the western world has not turned their back on Africa and doesn't intend too.
Yes, I did have to get that off my chest.
I'm really tired of rock stars and actors and their preaching. Some are good, some are....whatever. I won't say more