any one in NY


New Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
hey guys like i said before i have some med sized leathers some eagle eye zoo frags some green zoo frags a 4-5 head hammer ect
Where in NY are you? ... Im away at college most of the time but when I come home for x-mas break I might be interested in picking up that hammer if it isnt to far a drive.


New Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
im in amsterdam
Nice... I live just a little ways outside of Fonda.
How much you want for the hammer frag?
Also what else do you have; How much?


Active Member
the hammer is 4-5 heads i also have some frags of eagle eye zoos(10+ polyps each) some nice green zoos not frags decent sized pieces(20 to 30 polyps) a couple kenya trees. there are others but im sure you get the idea. i dont think i can post prices on here so heres my email


I have a pagoda plate that is about 3 inches that i keep having to move and is starting to lose a bit of its color in places, i will post a pic tomorrow, also a pectinia coral that is a nice green that i just do not have a good place for in my tank anymore that i would like to trade. I do not want much ideally some kind of leather, does anybody have any nice scleronepthea in the area by the way?


Originally Posted by DragonZim
75 gallon tank. Right now I've only got some basic stuff. LMB, Firefish, 3 green Chromis, CBS, assorted snails and hermits. I'm hoping to upgrade my lighting to T5 in the next month or 2 and then I'll be ready for some corals
i have a 55 with the t5s they are really good althought i had a problem with algae for a while now i have 45 blue leg hermits 16 mexican turbos 1 sea hare 1 sand sufting star, 2 scisicor tail gobbies a mated pair of black perculas a lawn mower blenny and 2 peppermint shrimp


dragonzim wat kind of coral r ya gonna try i started with some yellow polyps,green star polypls, a few zoos, xenia, kenya tree coral, anethelia and candy cane coral its all pretty hardy and spreads pretty quick


Originally Posted by jpnewreefe
im in nyc anyone in my area?i work near peekskill i sometimes go to beach aquarium .where do you go pyroreef?
i go to the zoo on washington street there alot cheeper then the beach and the younger guy Z is really knoledgable


I live in Afton about 30 minutes from Vestal and Binghamton.....I don't have corals but thought I would post where in NY I live.