Newbee to swf.
I have a 340g Im setting up as an aggressive tank and would like to see pics of other peoples setup.Such as live stock,aquascaping, and sumps ect.ect.
Wow! 340 would be awesome for sure. What are dimensions of something like that?
I've done a 125 predrilled with overflows and an oversized sump and skimmer. Here's a pick of aquascaping. Wanted to keep it open to allow plenty of swimming while still providing shelter and sense of security. Let us know how your plan comes along.
And by the way, Welcome to the Board!
I wouldn't really call my tank aggressive. When I'm done the only really aggressive fish that I'll have in there are a SFE, porc puffer, and a damsel. Mine is 240 gallon, and a freaind of mine did the aquascaping for me, so I can't take credit for the setup.
Im not sure yet,but thinking of a zebra eel,naso tang,imporator angel,dozen green chromies, 5 or so yellow tangs, and alot of live rock with DSB.
What do you guys think of my stocking plans ?Do you see any conflict between these fish?