any Pink corals???



i have a pink kenya tree. usually their brown, but mine has turned pink now.
i dont know if thats been stated or not tho.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Tyree Leather Toadstool. The base of it is pink and the polyps are flourscent green. Not sure if its dyed or not, but I wouldnt imagine Steve Tyree would dye his corals, although I am not 100% on that. DeMartini has one on her thread, its awesome, very pink looking.
Hey, can you pm me a link to the thread your talking about? Thanks!


Active Member
Yes, zoanthids and ricordia are you best bet. I did a trade with RHagemann and got some beautiful pink Cocos. Maybe he might have some available.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Sunrise Montipora..Pink base and blue polyps...very pretty but also very expensive
you sure about that one? Sunrise montipora is another designer name for the revers sunset montipora, and it has a green/yellowish base with orangish/red polyps..


Originally Posted by maelv
If I am not mistaken, they are an encrusting type of SPS, and at a local frag swap I picked up a 2.5 inch peice for about $25 if my memory serves me not I have seen chalices go for $30 - $50 per inch frag...
very nice chalice coral. Just an fyi, chalice corals(echinopora, oxypora..) are a type of LPS coral that both encrusts and plates out depending on the type.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
very nice chalice coral. Just an fyi, chalice corals(echinopora, oxypora..) are a type of LPS coral that both encrusts and plates out depending on the type.
Thank you very much, i really do like that peice...and also for the FYI...I wasn't too sure and on an online retail shop I went to, it had it under SPS for whatever reason so I took a shot at it....


That Tyree Leather Toadstool has to be the nicest softie i have ever seen...
At the beginning of the thread i thought she would have to settle between 3 or 4 corals but WOW theres way more then i expected..
I would like to go with a softie or a LPS i do have a 6x54watt t-5ho light fixture sitting around but i donno A)if i have the money B)if i have the money C)if i have the time with working one fulltime and part time job if i want to dive into the world of SPS...