any Pink corals???


Pink star polyps.
Cheap, easy, low light, low maintinence, hardy, and will spread like wildfire in good conditions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
you sure about that one? Sunrise montipora is another designer name for the revers sunset montipora, and it has a green/yellowish base with orangish/red polyps..
no ther eis a reverse sunset and a sunrise..all pics I seen and all sunrise I seen for sale are pink base with blue polps


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
no ther eis a reverse sunset and a sunrise..all pics I seen and all sunrise I seen for sale are pink base with blue polps
sorry, but you're mistaken. With all these designer names it's easy to do so.... Please show me the pic of this blue polyped with pink base "sunrise" montipora. A sunrise montipora is with out a doubt a yellowish/green based encrusting monitpora with red/orangish polyps, also known as the reverse sunset depending on who you talk too. I have never before seen a pink based monti with blue polyps
Are you sure you are not talking about the "Hawaiian punch" montipora? That coral has pink polyps contrasting with a very cool aqua-green base. Or maybe the Pink sand dollar, which has a baby blue base and bright pink polyps?
Sunrise Montipora
"This montipora has a bright yellow base with orange polyps. Its base, unlike most of the others like it, actually stayed this yellow color."



Active Member
you just have to keep an eye out really.. most of the pink pretty corals arent cheap either!
heres a few I have, or have sold.. that are pink or girlie

not a coral, but still pink!