Any stingray people on here?


Cortez looks like my California Round. Mine is a hit with my children and grandchildren as it eats out of their hands and now is begging for food by coming up on the side of the pond and curling its lip back so you can drop food to its mouth, really cool we think. Oh after he eats he tares around the pond 4 or 5 times real fast, must get happy!


Mine eats from my hand also...NO-ONE feeds it but me though...I am worried she may be getting too big for my tank though


Active Member
Yes, I guess I am a stingray guy. Had my yellow for almost 6 years now and I've had my blue dot for just under a year. Good to see another stingray person.

And don't worry guys... it's fairly easy to raise me nowadays.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Yes, I guess I am a stingray guy. Had my yellow for almost 6 years now and I've had my blue dot for just under a year. Good to see another stingray person.

And don't worry guys... it's fairly easy to raise me nowadays.

Enjoying single life, eh?


Originally Posted by Dean1956
Cortez looks like my California Round. Mine is a hit with my children and grandchildren as it eats out of their hands and now is begging for food by coming up on the side of the pond and curling its lip back so you can drop food to its mouth, really cool we think. Oh after he eats he tares around the pond 4 or 5 times real fast, must get happy!

You have a stringray in a pond??? Pictures please!!

teds tank

i have always been intrested in sting rays and have been trying to do resarch on them but no site has given me a minimum tank size.
i have had people say 75g 125g 150g 180g
i know it depends more on the foot print of the tank
also i would like to keep most live rock in a refugium to give the ray more sand space
i think the only other problem i had in ray resarch is tank mates
no puffers triggers wrasses and large angles(what about dwarf angles)
most sites say rays eat small fish but i allways thought rays liked crustations better
anyways ty for your help and if i could i would buy a ray in a heartbeat


In my opinion 300 gallon rubbermaid stock tanks make fantastic ray/shark tanks. The come with a threaded drain installed so it makes attaching the filtration easy. I used to have a 2ft nurse shark in one it work really well for


Active Member
After I get my 450 setup I am getting one of the New Marineland 3ft wide tanks that is 4 foot long for a ray. Should be up in about 5 years I am hoping.


I am building a 9' round by 18" deep indoor pond for my rays ( California Round) i wont need to heat it as they like temps in the mid 60s so that should help on the electic bill. As far as I am concerned Rays should be in a pool or pond with plenty of open swimming room. Right now my female ray is in a 5' round kiddie pool and it seems fine for now but I have another coming next week so i need to get that pond up and running. My female had 2 pups a couple of weeks ago which was a complete surprise, she was pregnant when we got her. I will post some pics for you people.


Active Member
Dean I go there maybe 2 times a WEEK. Put it to you this way he calls me and asked if there was anything I wanted before he placed his last order. If I can I will be getting almost all my equipment for my 450 thru them instead of online stores why their Customer servcice can not be beat and I also believe in keeping my money local if possible.