any stories on reef tank crashing??


Active Member
well i was wondering if any 1 had a story or personal experience on a reef tank crashing???... why and hows.... i just wanna know what to not do when my brother and i get the reef tank up...
''knowledge is power'' 'knowing is 1/2 the battle'' ''a good way to learn is from ones own mistake but the best wayis from others''

bang guy

Last year a very vocal member here convinced a couple of hobbiests that heaters were unnecessary. It was only a few days before they had a total crash.
A friend of mine lost most of his fish when his Anemone attempted to crawl down his overflow.
I had a tank crash in 1994 when my wife (now ex-wife) poured 1/2 gallon of bleach into the sump.
Last spring my sump overflowed while I was in the cayman islands. Fortunatly, I called someone who came over and I had to explain to them how to atleast get the lights and a powerhead on over AIM. It was a pain. Nothing died fortunatly.


About 5 years ago in my 60 gal fish only tank my heater shorted out and electracuted all of my fish. I lost a lion, panther grouper, 2 yellow tangs, and a purple tang in a matter of an hour.


My overflow lost syphon while on a business trip last year. I've got my sump set up with an automatic top off from our RO water source. As the pump was taking water from the sump to the tank, it was filling with fresh water and pumping water over the top of the display.
My wife killed the power and before I could return the next mornig I lost my copperband and powder blue. The clowns and original blue damsel survived. Very surprised, my Long Tenacle anemone survived as well.


Salty... ever forget to unplug the top off for a water change, refill the tank, turn on the main pump, have the level too low, and pump a gallon or two of fresh Kalkwasser? I have lol


Was gone for two weeks, had a neighbor watching the tank. last time I do that. He realized he could not get in for two days so over feed the first day.
Then, had left directions to harverst the calerpa from the refugium. Never did it.
Came back to a tank that was almost black in color. The calerpa had overgrown and got in the pumps.
To say the least minimal survivors, Couple of Camel back Shrimp and two damsels. Everything else gone.


Active Member
hum... i neeed more stories!!! that way i dont feel stupid when i do somethign bad... bat man bang... guess your laggon was too much for her... it's ok i still like it!!! he he..
but no 1 ever had a crash system from strirring up the dsb?? ir some invert nuking the tank?? ...
ohh yeah.. might be late but still........ sry for the losses u guys had... i feel your pain...