Any WWE fans out there?


Active Member
it's true .... go to they say his son had a form of dwarfism and was being injected with growth hormones. they found loads of needle marks.


Eh, The truth will come out. ESPN, CNN, and the people of WWE are all on top of saying why the steroids were in the house. They are also all companies that have stock in WWE itself. There will be so many cover ups and stories surroundng this. The toxicology reports are supposed to take "between a few weeks and a few months" since when? It is a drug test. It should take no more than a week for a full diagnostic of what was or wasn't in his system at the time. He is dead. It shouldn't even take that long. Either traces are there or they are not. This should be interesting. He did kill his family, no one is disputing that. Nancy was killed on Friday, he sent text messages (which have been released) telling people his home address. These were his friends. He also kept texting saying that he thinks his wife and son were very sick and were throwing up blood. I have not heard of evidence of vomit in the house. I have personal thoughts as to what happened being the evidence so far. The wife had her hands and feet bound, there was blood under her head. She was found in the family room. The child was found in his bed with a plastic bag that was used to suffocate him. Bibles were placed next to both bodies. Chris was found hung by his own gym equipment. He hung himself anywhere from a few hours to as much as a day after the child died. They are all dead. Now comes the fun of the finger pointing as to why such a thing would happen....................It should be interesting.


It will become more and more twisted as time passes. Everyone has to blame someone. He is dead so there is no point in blaming him..............WWE is under preasure. Sherry, AKA "Scary Sherry" just died of an over dose a month ago. CNN owns a lot of stock in WWE. Watch out for news reports by CNN and ESPN, another huge stock holder with influence. Look at unbiased reports. Newspapers from all over the US have their findings available and they all have the same story in different words.


Active Member
Heh - WWE's stocks have lost at least 20+ millions; if not billions of dollars already alone. McMahon is squirming now over the Benoit tribute fiasco and the future of WWE is really not looking too good. Too many wrestlers dead in such a short time frame within the last 2 - 3 years. Everybody is investigating WWE and the steroids involvement there. Ought to be really interesting come this Monday Night Raw ...
WWE is dead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
WWE is dead.
No way. Vince McMahon is too smart and has been doing this for too long. He will come out of this like he has done everything else.