anybody know anything about umbrella leather corals??


I fell in love with a really cool leather coral, look like a yellow toadstool with spikes. I just wanted to know if anybody else has any experiance with them, how big? care? lighting? current?


Leathers typically are lower light corals....they can however be acclimated to higher light intensity. I have a peach colored umbrella leather that sits in the top 1/3 of my tank under 120 watts of PC. It has done lovely. As far as current is concered I would suggest minimal to low current areas of the tank for umbrella leather. Sometimes when I'm cleaning the tank glass I get carried away and generate current which then causes the umbrella to shrink up and retract it's polyps.

bang guy

The Yellow Toadstool needs a little more light than most leathers, but it's still just a moderate light coral and, as stated, can handle intense light if acclimated.
They can grow extremely large but don't worry about it. They are so easy to frag and the frags can go to fellow hobbiests or your LFS.


Thanks bang guy
how do you frag them? Do you just cut off the top like a normal mushroom? or slice the whole thing down the middle?:)