Back from the brink of death!
I'm really sorry for the delay and long silence. As Andy said, my aunt was kind enough to bring me a souvenir flu back from her trip to San Francisco. I really didn't make it out of bed for several days. I'm even 10lbs lighter for my troubles. Except for a bit of a lingering cough, I'm nearly good as new.
As for your chaeto... ***)
It has been resting comfortably in the fuge, probably growing a little extra in the meantime. All six confirmed takers are paid in full. I have the boxes, the heat packs, the shipping labels, and a post office nearby. I also have nothing to do this weekend, but get things ready to send to you, and I don't have to work on Monday. Come Hell or high water, six boxes will be on their way to six of you on Monday.
Thank you all for your patience. You won't be waiting much longer.