anyone been to vegas to see the tank in the mirage


Active Member
20,000 gallon tank, has anyone else seen this. wow what a tank would love to have that in a big house.
I've been to Vegas a few times and that tank at the Mirage is incredible, it's the one behind the reception desk right? But the best tank I've seen lately is the one at the Pacific Coast Hotel in Hawaii, it's huge, so huge that divers go in to feed the stingrays and the sharks.... WOW what a sight.....


Caribbean Blue Tang
Blue Tang (Marshall Islands)
Hawaiian Yellow Tang
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Naso Tang (Hawaiian)
French Angel (Atlantic)
Emperor Angel (Sri Lanka)
Queen Angel (Atlantic)
Gray Angel (Atlantic)
Raccoon Butterfly (Hawaiian)
Facula Butterfly (Philippines)
Powder Blue Tang
Atlantic Pork Fish
Purple Tang (Red Sea)
Blue Striped Grunt (Atlantic)
French Grunt (Atlantic)
Black Tip Sharks (Philippines)
Sohal Tang (Red Sea)
Atlantic Eel
Unicorn Tang (Hawaiian)
Six Bar Angel (Philippines)
Squirrel Fish (Atlantic)
Auriga Butterfly (Hawaiian)
Red Sea Bannerfish
Fox Face (Philippines)
Lyretail Wrasse (Fiji)
Klungzinger Wrasse (Red Sea)
Batfish (Philippines)
Christmas Wrasse (Hawaiian)


thats the one in my casino 150,000 liters so like 37500 gallons?
I wish that were my hallway in my house,problem is the fish usually gets diseases i think they have stooges for custodians, what a shame and waste of fish, but I guess to them it's peanuts


I've seen it 100 of times, but the tank they have at Mandelay Bay is the best, it has a awesome shark reef, a must see.


I have seen the check in desk at the Mirage but I also like the new tank in Caesars Forum shops that has the "Fall of Atlantis" show in front of the Ultimate Cheescake Factory.
I was just in Vegas in February and I didn't get to make it down to Mandalay Bay :(


Seen that tank at the Mirause about 10 times... That is on Vegas Vacation.. I've went to the underwater world at mall of america- They have everything including a thing where you can pet stingrays and sand sharks that are swimming in a circle in a donut tank...


hi my sister lives in vegas and I've been to the mirage many times, actually the guy who built that tank is building my new custom tank for my house, he also built the tank that was in the movie duce biggalo male giggalo. Apsolutely beautiful tanks


Active Member
Have seen the one behind the desk at the mirage. HAve also seen manadalay, cesears and pacific hotel on Oahu. I agree w/ scott about the mirage. Of course the best exhibits are in the aquariums in Osaka Japan and Baltimore...that's awesome.
The tank at Mandalay Bay is great and Huge, but the Aquarium in Baltimore is fantastic, but the best I've seen so far is still the one at Pacific Hotel in Hawaii. It would be great to have a huge tank in the middle of your house to look at all the time.....


Active Member
I here ya....Dream would be a house on the beach with a tank big enough to scuba in.....yeah right....I like dreaming cause dreaming will.....something like that.
Maybe one day.....
FlameHawk, great idea, I think I could do that, well I guess I can dream. But, a house in Hawaii on the beach with a tank full of beautiful salt water fish and also a waterfall into a large pond with fish in there to, that would be a dream Huh? I guess we can all dream...