anyone down for a sea world 34 pack!


Active Member
the bar there is a reef, the corals are fake, but it has alot of live small reef fish in it. the coolest bar ive ever seen thats for sure.


Active Member
ive rode all the coasters in central fl. and ill have to say kracken is the best. ive rode it over 20 times now lol.


Active Member
just a local snowy egerete(sp) but the pic i got of him just blows my mind, i think this is one of my best pics ever.


Active Member
another sea lion,, i call him waves because when you walk up with fish for them, he goes to a high rock and waves at whoever has food. its really cool.


Active Member
and finally.. a longhorn cowfish..... well i dont think its quite 34 pics like i thought.. i had saved some twice on accident. but this is all of them. enjoy


You have amazing photography skills! I also love Puffins, thats a very cute shot. That toad fish made me laugh, what a cutie! I could fit my fist in that puffer's mouth! Good Job.


Active Member
how big is that mandarin? he has really vibrant coloration and looks healthy. thats the best mandarin ive seen so far


Active Member
Thats awesome skirrby! Thanks for sharing! I havent been to Sea World in a few years but now I have to go back.....I just have to talk my girlfriend into it, maybe when I show her these pics she'll want to go back too!


Active Member
escape2thewater let her know that right now, if you pay one full day admission, you get a 2nd day free. so its 2 days for the price of one.. or you can pay 10 bucks more and go back the rest of the year.
id say that mandrain was about 2-3 inches


What kinda camra is it? If you can get that good of a close up on that maderin and its not faded pixt or ect, Its a good camera